A lightweight, self-hosted friendly RSS aggregator and reader



Fusion image

Hold on to your hats, folks, because Fusion is here to revolutionize the way you consume your daily dose of news and updates! This open-source gem, hosted on our beloved GitHub, is a lightweight yet powerful RSS aggregator and reader that's as smooth as butter. Think of it as your own personal news hub, meticulously crafted for the self-hosting aficionado. Fusion ain't foolin' around when it comes to features. You can group your feeds, bookmark your favorites, and even sniff out new feeds automatically – talk about working smarter, not harder! Importing and exporting your OPML files is a breeze, and it supports RSS, Atom, and JSON feed types. Whether you're rocking a desktop, tablet, or phone, Fusion's got your back with its responsive design, light/dark mode, and snappy PWA capabilities. Now, let's talk shop about what makes Fusion a true homelab hero. This bad boy is built with Golang and SQLite, meaning you can deploy this lean, mean, reading machine with a single binary. Don't worry, if Docker's more your speed, Fusion's got a pre-built image ready to roll. And hold your horses, it only uses about 80MB of memory – talk about being light on its feet! Setting up Fusion is easier than ordering a pizza. You got three tasty options: spin up the Docker image, grab a pre-built binary from the releases page, or if you're feelin' adventurous, build it from source. They even threw in a handy-dandy scripts.sh file to guide you through the process. Customization is the name of the game with Fusion. You can tweak it to your heart's content using environment variables, or get fancy with a .env file. Fusion's got your six with detailed documentation on all the configuration goodies. Let's give credit where credit is due – Fusion's slick frontend is built with Sveltekit and shadcn-svelte, while the backend hums along thanks to Echo and GORM. And when it comes to parsing those feeds, gofeed takes the cake. So, ditch those bloated, privacy-invasive RSS readers and saddle up with Fusion. It's the self-hosted RSS solution you've been waiting for, built with love by the fine folks at Awesome-Homelab. Happy reading, ya'll!

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