The best free and open-source automated time tracker. Cross-platform, extensible, privacy-focused.



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When it comes to keeping tabs on where your time goes, ActivityWatch is here to save the day. It's like the Swiss Army knife of time-tracking tools—super versatile, packed with features, and best of all, it respects your privacy. This isn't just another run-of-the-mill time tracker, folks. Let's break down why it’s a cut above the rest. ActivityWatch is all about empowering you to figure out how you're spending your time. No more guessing games; it records your activities meticulously, from the apps and browser tabs you use, right down to those moments when you step away from the keyboard. And the kicker? You control all the data. That's right—you get to keep your info under your own roof without any big corporation peeking over your shoulder. The setup is slick and straightforward. You can grab the app from the releases page and follow the easy-to-digest documentation to get rolling. Even if you're a DIY type who likes to build things from scratch, they've got guides to help you tinker away. Plus, it's cross-platform, so whether you're rocking Windows, macOS, Linux, or even Android, ActivityWatch has got you covered. Now, you might be wondering, is this just another time tracker? Nope. Most time trackers out there have these annoying dealbreakers: they’re not open-source, they keep your data on someone else's servers, or they’re just plain hard to use. ActivityWatch smashes through these barriers by being open-source, making data collection and synchronization both secure and decentralized, and ensuring the user experience is top-notch—for both techies and everyday folks alike. Let’s talk features, shall we? First off, you get to own your data—complete privacy, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The GUI is sleek and user-friendly, and they’re working on decentralized sync, so your data stays yours even when you move across devices. Compare that with other software like RescueTime or WakaTime, which either aren't open-source or come with centralized data sync that feels a bit too 'Big Brother.' ActivityWatch is also designed to be extensible. That means you can write your own watchers to capture even more data. It's got a bunch of built-in ones to track things like your active window, browser activity, and even detect if you’re AFK. The more watchers we have, the richer the data we can collect. The architecture behind all this magic is pretty sophisticated. At its core is ‘aw-server,’ which manages everything from data storage to interaction with various modules and serving up a web interface where you can visualize and query your data. Speaking of which, the web interface is stellar for giving you insights into your productivity. From cool graphs to detailed logs, it’s like having your personal data analyst. The team behind ActivityWatch is also super welcoming to contributors. Whether you’re a developer wanting to improve the project or just someone with a good idea, they encourage you to jump in and help out. Check out the for pointers on how to get started. So, if you've always wanted to get a grip on where your time goes while keeping your data safe and sound, give ActivityWatch a whirl. You’ll be joining a community of savvy users who value their time and privacy just as much as you do. And remember, the more you use it, the more you'll wonder how you ever managed without it.

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