A meta-JavaScript adventure game by Alex Nisnevich and Greg Shuflin.



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If you’re a fan of mind-bending, code-tweaking puzzles and have a knack for JavaScript, then hold on to your hats! "Untrusted —or— the Continuing Adventures of Dr. Eval" is the ultimate meta-JavaScript adventure game brought to life by Alex Nisnevich and Greg Shuflin. This game takes you on a wild ride, guiding the plucky Dr. Eval through the befuddling MACHINE CONTINUUM, where reality can be twisted with nothing more than a few lines of JavaScript. Here’s the lowdown: Untrusted isn't your average brain-teaser. It drops you into a roguelike-like environment where each level is initially unwinnable. But don't freak out just yet! You get to use a limited set of tools to alter the JavaScript powering the game right in your browser. Yup, you're rewriting reality on the fly to help Dr. Eval escape his perplexing predicaments. Ready to dive in? Here’s what you need to know: **Running Locally Like a Boss**: To get started, clone the repository and merge your JavaScript files with: ``` make ``` This will combine and enable debug features. For a polished version, you can minify those files using: ``` make release ``` You'll need a local server to get around the Access-Control-Allow-Origin restrictions. Install `http-server` if you haven’t yet: ``` npm install http-server ``` Fire up your local server with: ``` make runlocal ``` **Modding Mania**: Want to create your own twist on the game? It's a piece of cake. Dump your mod files in the `mods` directory and run: ``` make mod=example_mod ``` **Level Up! Contributing Levels**: Adding new levels is pretty straightforward. Create a `.jsx` file in the `/levels/bonus` directory and append the filename to the `bonusLevels` array in `game.js`. The game permits some creative freedom here—wrap editable chunks with `#BEGIN_EDITABLE#` and `#END_EDITABLE#`. You can even introduce new commands (make sure you add them to `reference.js`). Feeling musical? Pop your MP3 files into the `/music` folder and update the `tracks` array in `sound.js`. Giving credit where it’s due, this masterpiece wouldn’t be the same without contributions from some seriously talented folks, from design assistance by Dmitry Mazin, all the way to playtesting and feedback from a whole host of amazing people. Don’t forget the awesome libraries like `rot.js` and `CodeMirror` and a soundtrack that’s as eclectic as the gameplay itself. Speaking of sound, the soundtrack will keep you grooving through your coding escapades. With tracks from Jonathan Holliday, Dmitry Mazin, and Revolution Void, among others, there’s never a dull moment. "Untrusted" is double-licensed which means you're free to experiment and use it for non-commercial purposes as long as you give credit and keep it CC-BY-NC-SA. For commercial uses without the soundtrack, hit them up for more details. So, there you have it! Dive into this labyrinth of code and creativity. It’s not just a game—it’s a journey, an experience, and a pretty rad way to flex those JavaScript muscles. Get involved, get creative, and most importantly, save Dr. Eval!

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