This repository is outdated and new Boost Note app is available! We've launched a new Boost Note app which supports real-time collaborative writing.



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Alright folks, gather 'round, especially you code whisperers and keyboard jockeys! Ever feel like your brain's a jumbled mess of ideas, code snippets, and to-do lists longer than your arm? Well, hold onto your hats because "Boostnote" is ridin' in to save the day... but hold your horses! This here's the legacy version, a trusty steed that's handed the reins to a spankin' new app. Think of this Boostnote like the classic car in your garage – still runs like a dream for those who love that old-school feel. It's a note-taking app built by programmers, for programmers. We're talking Mac, Windows, Linux – this baby's got you covered. Under the hood, it's all Electron, React + Redux, Webpack, and CSSModules humming along. Now, why stick with the old timer? Maybe you're tinkering with the nuts and bolts of note-taking apps or just prefer the familiar. Either way, Boostnote-Legacy is yours to download and explore. But don't miss the party – the new Boost Note app is where the real shindig's at, boasting real-time collaborative writing and a shiny new coat of paint. You can find it over at Happy note-taking, y'all!

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