Lightweight selfhosted Firefox Send alternative without public upload. AWS S3 supported.



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Hey there, tech enthusiasts! Let's dive into the world of Gokapi, a nifty little tool that's shaking up the file-sharing game. This bad boy is like Firefox Send's cooler cousin, but with a twist - it's all about keeping things on lockdown, ya know? Gokapi is the brainchild of some smart cookies who wanted to create a lightweight server for sharing files that won't stick around forever. It's perfect for folks who need to shoot over some files but don't want them hanging out in the digital ether indefinitely. The kicker? Only admins can upload files, so you're in total control of what's going in and out. Now, let's break down what makes Gokapi the bee's knees: 1. Expiration on demand: Files vanish after a set number of downloads or days. It's like Mission Impossible, but for your data! 2. Space-saving savvy: Once those files are gone, they're gone. No more clogging up your precious disk space. 3. Deduplication magic: Got identical files? Gokapi's got your back, keeping things lean and mean. 4. API for the tech-savvy: Wanna get under the hood? There's an API for that. 5. Cloud-friendly: Play nice with AWS S3 and Backblaze B2 if local storage ain't your jam. 6. Customization station: If you've got HTML/CSS chops, you can make Gokapi look slick as you please. 7. Fort Knox vibes: Encryption options galore, including end-to-end for the paranoid (in a good way) among us. Setting up Gokapi is a breeze - we're talking seconds here, folks. Whether you're rocking bare metal or sailing the Docker seas, Gokapi's got you covered. And for those who like their instructions crystal clear, the docs are just a click away. So, if you're tired of file-sharing services that are about as secure as a screen door on a submarine, give Gokapi a whirl. It's the file-sharing solution that lets you share with confidence, knowing your data isn't just floating around in the digital wild west. Keep it tight, keep it right, and let Gokapi be your file-sharing wingman!

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