Perplexica is an AI-powered search engine. It is an Open source alternative to Perplexity AI



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Y'all know how sometimes you just gotta find somethin' on the web, but plain ol' search engines ain't cuttin' it? Well, hold onto your hats, folks, because Perplexica is here to shake things up! This ain't your grandma's search engine, no sir. Perplexica is powered by cutting-edge AI, so it doesn't just find stuff, it understands what you're lookin' for. Think of it like havin' a super-smart research assistant at your fingertips, 24/7. You ask a question, and Perplexica dives deep into the internet to bring you the answers you need, all while keepin' things open-source and protectin' your privacy. Now, let's talk features. This thing's got more bells and whistles than a Fourth of July parade! You can use fancy "Focus Modes" to zero in on exactly what you need, whether it's for schoolwork, finding the perfect YouTube video, or even crunching numbers with Wolfram Alpha. And hold your horses, because there's more on the way! The developers are workin' on even more features, like a "Copilot Mode" that's like havin' a sidekick for your searches, and a "Discover" section to help you stumble upon cool stuff. But wait, there's more! Setting up Perplexica is easier than a sunny day at the beach, especially if you use Docker. They even made it super simple to use Perplexica right from your browser's search bar. So, if you're tired of the same old search engine song and dance, mosey on over to the Perplexica GitHub page and give it a whirl. And hey, while you're there, why not show the developers some love? Give 'em a star, drop 'em a line, or even throw a few bucks their way. They've poured their heart and soul into this project, and it shows. Trust us, your brain cells will thank you for it.

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