LinkAce is a self-hosted archive to collect links of your favorite websites.



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Hey there, tech enthusiasts! Get ready to dive into the world of LinkAce, the slick self-hosted bookmark archive that's gonna knock your socks off. This bad boy is all about helping you stash away those killer links you come across online, whether it's a must-read article, a handy tool for your next project, or some vintage content you wanna keep for posterity. LinkAce is the brainchild of Kevin Woblick and a bunch of awesome contributors who've cooked up a feature-packed solution while keeping things clean and simple. It's not just another bookmark sync tool - oh no, this puppy is designed for the long haul, letting you categorize and share your link collections with your crew or even the whole world if that's your jam. Let's break down some of the sweet features that make LinkAce stand out: 1. Automatic title and description generation when you save links? Check. 2. Link monitoring to give you a heads up if a site goes MIA or moves? You bet. 3. Automatic archiving via the Internet Archive? It's got your back. 4. Organize your bookmarks with lists and tags? Easy peasy. 5. Full REST API for integrating with other apps? Absolutely. 6. Zapier integration to connect with over 2500 other apps? Oh yeah. 7. Light and dark themes that can switch automatically? It's like it reads your mind. 8. A handy bookmarklet for quick saves from any browser? You know it. 9. Public and private link options? Share or keep it on the down-low. 10. RSS feeds for both public and private links? Feed me, Seymour! 11. Add notes to links for your thoughts or extra info? Jot it down. 12. Advanced search with filters and sorting? Find that needle in the haystack. 13. Import and export bookmarks from HTML? In and out, no problem. 14. Backup your whole shebang to AWS S3 storage? Safety first! Setting up LinkAce is a breeze, whether you're a Docker fan (which they recommend) or prefer to go old school without it. They've got detailed docs to walk you through the whole process. Now, here's the deal - Kevin built this bad boy to solve his own problem and he's sharing it with us for free. That's pretty rad, but it also means he can't offer free personal support. If you need a hand, hit up the community discussions. But if you want that VIP treatment, consider becoming a supporter on Open Collective, Patreon, or GitHub. LinkAce is all about community love too. They've got a whole squad of supporters on Open Collective helping keep this project alive and kicking. And if you're feeling multilingual, you can even help translate LinkAce through Crowdin. So, whether you're a link hoarder, a content curator, or just someone who likes to keep their digital life organized, LinkAce has got you covered. It's open-source, it's self-hosted, and it's ready to revolutionize the way you save and manage your online finds. Give it a whirl and see why folks are buzzing about this nifty little bookmark archive!

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