The backend for Lodestone, A free, open source server hosting tool for Minecraft and other multiplayers



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Yo, check it out! The Lodestone Team's got something pretty sweet cooking up in their digital kitchen. They're whipping up this bad boy called Lodestone Core, and let me tell you, it's gonna be a game-changer for all you Minecraft server junkies out there. So, what's the deal with Lodestone Core? Well, it's the backbone of this whole Lodestone project. Think of it as the secret sauce that makes everything run smooth. It's all about giving you a free, open-source way to host your Minecraft servers (and other multiplayer games too, if that's your jam). Now, let's break it down a bit. This thing is built with Rust, which is like the Navy SEAL of programming languages - tough, reliable, and gets the job done. The team's using some pretty slick tech like Axum for the backend framework, and they've got all sorts of cool features baked in. One of the standout things about Lodestone Core is how it's designed to play nice with Docker. If you're into containerization (and who isn't these days?), you'll dig how easy it is to get this bad boy up and running in a Docker environment. They've even thrown in a docker-compose file for you, so you can get started faster than you can say "creeper explosion." But here's the kicker - they don't want you downloading Lodestone Core directly. Nah, they've got this whole self-updating thing going on, so they want you to use their Lodestone CLI instead. It's all about keeping things fresh and up-to-date, you feel me? For all you dev types out there, they've laid out the whole process for getting set up. It's pretty straightforward - clone the repo, maybe set up an environment variable if you're feeling fancy, and boom! You're off to the races. Oh, and did I mention it's open source? Yeah, they're rolling with the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. So if you're feeling like contributing, they're all about it. Just hop on their Discord and get in on the action. Bottom line, if you're into Minecraft servers or just multiplayer game hosting in general, Lodestone Core is definitely something you'll want to keep an eye on. It's like having your own personal server genie, but instead of a lamp, it lives in your computer. How cool is that?

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