A modern reverse proxy for node



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If you've ever needed a robust, modern reverse proxy for your Node.js applications, then it's high time you meet Redbird. This nifty tool, developed by manast, is like the Swiss Army knife of reverse proxies. With built-in support for Cluster, HTTP2, LetsEncrypt, and Docker, Redbird packs a punch in making your life easier and your operations smoother. Here's the scoop: Redbird's all about making complex tasks like dynamic virtual hosting, load balancing, proxying web sockets, and SSL encryption as easy as pie. Yeah, no joke. You can register and unregister routes programmatically without having to restart, leading to zero downtime deployments. If you're running multiple applications from different domains on a single host, Redbird can manage that smoothly, ensuring your SSL game is on point. What makes Redbird truly awesome? Well, for starters, it's got seamless SSL support, so you can easily route HTTP to HTTPS requests, automatically generating and renewing TLS certificates using LetsEncrypt. If you're worried about setting this up, don't sweat it – it’s built to be as hassle-free as possible. HTTP2 support is another standout feature. Just toggle an HTTP2 flag to true, and boom, you're leveraging the speed and performance improvements of HTTP2. And yes, it’s encrypted, courtesy of those LetsEncrypt certificates. Redbird even plays nice with Docker. You register your image names, and every time a container from that image starts, it gets registered and vice versa when it stops. Plus, it keeps things balanced, load-balanced to be precise, following a round-robin algorithm if you've got multiple containers from the same image. For those using Node's clustering abilities, Redbird's got you covered. It can spin up multiple processes to handle requests, restarting any threads that crash along the way, ensuring your service is as reliable as possible. And, if you like to dig into logs, Redbird can optionally integrate with Bunyan for some slick logging capabilities. Or, turn it off if you’re not into logs – it's up to you. Setting it up is a breeze. Install it via npm with `npm install redbird` and you're off to the races. Need some custom routing? Use the built-in custom resolvers to route based on path, headers, or even wildcard domains. You can even configure it to use an etcd backend for dynamic updates straight from an etcd cluster. How about some real-world use cases? You can route traffic dynamically to your applications, handle SSL with minimal config, and keep everything smooth with automatic certificate renewals. Got an app running in Docker? Watch as Redbird auto-registers and balances the load across your containers. In a nutshell, Redbird is the bomb for any Node enthusiast looking for a reliable, feature-packed reverse proxy solution. Say goodbye to those proxy hassles and say hello to smooth and efficient app routing with Redbird.

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