Web based p2p file sharing built on WebRTC Data Channels API



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Imagine a world where you can share files directly from your browser, no cloud services in the mix—all thanks to something slick called WebRTC. It sounds a bit like a techie daydream, right? Well, that's exactly what ShareFest is all about. ShareFest is a stellar, web-based peer-to-peer (p2p) file-sharing app that puts the power of WebRTC Data Channels API to work. It's like those old-school LAN parties, but without the mess of cables running everywhere. This puppy is serverless, so you can kiss those tedious uploads to Dropbox or Google Drive goodbye. Just drag, drop, and share—easy peasy lemon squeezy. Here’s the kicker: ShareFest doesn’t need any pesky plugins because it’s all pure JavaScript, baby! When browsers like Chrome and Firefox started supporting WebRTC, the team at Peer5 saw an opportunity and jumped on it. They crafted a tool that not only cut the middleman out of the file-sharing process but also added a sprinkle of that good ol' hacker spirit. Peer5 even got a bit nostalgic in their README, recalling the thrill of making ShareFest work on the early versions of Chrome and Firefox and thanking the browser teams for enduring countless bug reports and feature requests. ShareFest works on a mesh network, a little like Bittorrent, except here a smart server does the heavy lifting. This server keeps things organized, managing who sends what to whom to make sure the file distribution is as efficient as your grandma's knitting circle. Generally, each user connects with a few other peers to spread the file as if they're swapping baseball cards at recess. Support's solid for recent versions of Chrome and Firefox, making it a great time to jump in and experience web-based file sharing done right. One feature that stands out is just how easy it is to get rolling with ShareFest. You simply drag a file onto the page, share a URL with your buddies, and boom—file transfer in full swing. Setting it up on your local machine is a walk in the park too. Just install Node.js, clone the repo, fire up `npm install`, and run the server with `npm start`. Point your browser to localhost:13337, and you’re in business. For those who are intrigued by the nitty-gritty, ShareFest was born at the SV DevFest 2012 hackathon in sunny San Jose. What started as a hackathon project quickly spun into an open-source community effort, driven by a bunch of enthusiastic WebRTC hackers. So check out ShareFest on GitHub at https://github.com/Peer5/ShareFest. Whether you’re curious about the tech behind it, want to contribute, or just need a nifty way to share files without a hitch, ShareFest has got your back. Keep it real, keep it local, and embrace the mesh network magic with ShareFest!

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