Federated blogging application, thanks to ActivityPub (now on https://git.joinplu.me/ — this is just a mirror)



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In an increasingly interconnected digital world, folks are looking for ways to share their thoughts, ideas, and creative content without giving up control to major platforms. That's where **Plume** steps in—a federated blogging engine that's just what the doctor ordered for those who crave a more decentralized approach to publishing. Plume keeps it real for developers and writers alike by leveraging Rust, the rock-solid Rocket framework, and freeing you from typical constraints with Diesel for database interactions. On the user end, you'll find a clean interface powered by Ructe templates, WASM, and SCSS. Yeah, it's as tech-savvy as it sounds, and it doesn’t stop there. Here’s what makes Plume a showstopper: **Blog-Centric Approach:** With Plume, you’re not just creating a blog; you’re creating as many as your heart desires. Manage different blogs under one account, each with its own unique flavor and audience. **Media Management:** Whether you’re a wordsmith, a visual storyteller, or a podcast producer, Plume’s got you covered. Upload images, audio files, and manage them directly from the platform. It’s your all-in-one media hub. **Federation:** Get ready to be part of the Fediverse—a sprawling network of interconnected websites (instances) that can all chat with each other, each adhering to its own rules and themes. It’s like the social web without borders. **Collaborative Writing:** While this feature is still on the roadmap for Version 1.0, Plume aspires to let you and your buddies co-author articles seamlessly. Meeting of the minds? More like meeting of the keyboards. Plume isn’t just a tool; it’s a community. If you’re intrigued and want to stay in the loop, hop over to their blog or hang out in their Matrix room (`#plume-blog:matrix.org`). Contributions are always welcome—whether you’re coding the back-end, designing the UI, translating, or even supporting financially. They’ve got a contribution guide to get you started. And don’t worry, they’ve created a welcoming environment governed by a code of conduct, ensuring the space remains safe and inclusive. If you’re thinking about hosting your own instance of Plume, the project’s got you covered with multiple installation methods—be it from source, pre-built binaries, Docker, or YunoHost. For the nitty-gritty details, the project’s documentation has got your back. All in all, Plume stands as a testament to the power of open-source collaboration, offering a robust and flexible solution for anyone looking to take their blogging game to the next level, all while staying true to the spirit of decentralization. If you’re tired of the same old blogging platforms and want to experience something fresh and indie, Plume just might be your next adventure in the blogosphere.

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