Tracks is a GTD™ web application, built with Ruby on Rails



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Looking to get your productivity game on point? Say hello to Tracks, a slick Getting Things Done™ (GTD) web app built with Ruby on Rails that’s here to make your to-do lists less "to-don't." This ain't just any task manager—Tracks is the bona fide powerhouse that keeps you organized and on track, without breaking a sweat. Now, Tracks isn’t your run-of-the-mill productivity tool. It’s got roots solidly planted in the GTD methodology, making it a go-to for folks who swear by that system. If you’re already a fan of David Allen’s GTD magic, you’ll feel right at home here. You can get your hands on Tracks via its project homepage at or dive straight into the source code on GitHub. The open-source nature means you're in control—customize it, tweak it, and make it your own. There's a super supportive community ready to back you up, with bug reports and feature requests handled on GitHub, an IRC channel for those real-time chats, and even a mailing list to keep you in the loop. Tracks is designed to keep things simple and effective. Need to set it up fresh? Gotcha. Wanna upgrade from an older version? No sweat—plenty of instructions are available in the wiki. Just remember, always back up your data, especially when making big changes. A little effort goes a long way in ensuring a smooth ride. The face behind Tracks’ original brilliance is bsag, while Jyri-Petteri "ZeiP" Paloposki is the current commander-in-chief maintaining this gem. ZeiP isn’t just keeping the lights on; he’s available for consulting if you need some expert guidance. Plus, there’s a whole army of contributors helping steer the ship—because that’s what open-source is all about, right? Whether you're a developer itching to contribute or just someone wanting to streamline their tasks, Tracks has got something for you. Check out the contributors' section on GitHub if you're curious about joining the fold. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to get those projects on Tracks—literally and figuratively. Hop on board, and watch your productivity soar.

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