Web based localization tool with tight version control integration.



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Ever found yourself drowning in a web of localization problems? Well, it's time to hang ten on the latest wave of game-changing, open-source software—Weblate. This baby is designed to make continuous localization smoother than butter on hot toast and integrates like it’s born to be best buds with version control systems. Weblate's your all-in-one solution for web-based localization that's got over 2500 projects riding its wave across more than 165 countries. What makes Weblate so dope? It’s designed for real-time collaboration, making it straightforward for teams to cut through the chaos of multilingual project management. You can download and deploy it yourself or kick back and use their Hosted Weblate service. They've got your back with in-depth documentation and even professional support and cloud hosting. Just head over to weblate.org for all the deets. For those who love a hands-on dive, you can find the step-by-step setup in their documentation directory or on their site. Whether you're a rookie or a seasoned vet, the install page at https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/admin/install.html has got what you need. Got bugs or feature requests? No problem, hit up the GitHub issues page and let the community know what's shaking. But wait, it gets even better. If you're the type who likes to chat and share war stories in real-time, Weblate's got a live chat setup on the Libera.Chat IRC network in the `#weblate` channel. Drop in via https://web.libera.chat/#weblate or through your nifty IRC client and dive into the conversation. And for the Freedom Friars out there, Weblate's got your back with a banger of a GNU General Public License. Modify, redistribute, and make it yours, all under one of the most permissive licenses out there. No bells, no whistles—just a lean, mean localization machine. Whether you’re knee-deep in internationalization or want to crowdsource your translation efforts, Weblate’s stack of features and community support makes it the go-to tool for developers everywhere. So give it a whirl and see why so many projects trust Weblate to keep everything in sync. To learn more and get started, check out the project at https://github.com/WeblateOrg/weblate and experience the future of web-based localization today.

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