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Introducing Gazelle, a slick and robust web framework tailored specifically for private BitTorrent trackers. Although its natural habitat is within the realm of music sharing, Gazelle is flexible and can easily adapt to a variety of other needs. It’s like that one friend who can seamlessly blend into any group and liven up the mood, no matter where they are. Diving into the framework itself, Gazelle is a harmonious blend of PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL. It’s got the kind of under-the-hood sophistication that makes developers swoon. Let's talk dependencies—you’ll need Nginx, a PHP version no older than 5.4, Memcached, and Sphinx 2.0.6 or newer just to kick things off. They’re like your essential crew members, each one playing a crucial role to keep the party going. And if you're compiling Gazelle/Ocelot, remember to call in Git, GCC/G++, and Boost; they’re like the special ingredients in grandma’s secret recipe. One of the niftiest things about Gazelle is how its installation guide is designed with the developer in mind. It's focused on Gentoo Linux but broadly understandable for anyone with a bit of PHP know-how. This means you won’t get lost in the weeds setting it up. Now, if you’re all about that dev life, you’ll appreciate Vagrant. Picture this: you’re developing on a virtual machine, effortlessly spinning up a consistent environment, and you don't even have to mess with your local setup. With VagrantGazelle, Gazelle’s source files sit neatly in a shared directory, and a port forward from port 80 on the guest to 8080 on the host ensures you’re always in sync. It’s like having a personal assistant who always keeps things tidy and on-point. And for the committed coders looking to push their changes, Gazelle's got a robust set of coding standards to follow. Think of it as the rulebook for the ultimate code club — and trust me, you’ll want to be a card-carrying member. Keep an eye on the change log, updated daily, to track new features and changes. The log is your daily digest of all things new and improved, delivered fresh so you can stay up-to-date with the fast-paced dev movement. In a nutshell, Gazelle is a powerhouse web framework that’s as versatile as it is efficient. Whether you're spinning up a music tracker or diving into another niche, Gazelle’s got the chops to handle it all with style. So, head over to GitHub and check it out for yourself. You'll find everything from the nuts and bolts to the bells and whistles right there. Happy tracking!

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