💽 Doku - Docker disk usage dashboard



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Yo, check it out! There's a new kid on the block in the Docker monitoring scene, and it's making waves. Meet Doku, the slick little tool that's gonna revolutionize how you keep tabs on your Docker disk usage. Doku's the brainchild of some smart cookies who wanted to make Docker disk management a breeze. This bad boy is a web-based app that's as light as a feather but packs a serious punch when it comes to giving you the lowdown on your Docker space situation. Here's the deal: Doku breaks down your Docker disk usage like a pro. It shows you exactly how much space your images, containers, volumes, and even that pesky builder cache are hogging. And get this - if Lady Luck's smiling on you, it'll even spill the beans on your log file sizes. How cool is that? Now, don't go thinking this is some complex beast that'll give you a headache to set up. Nah, Doku's all about keeping it simple. It's been put through its paces on a bunch of different setups, so chances are it'll play nice with your system too. The folks behind Doku have really gone the extra mile to make sure it's top-notch. We're talking continuous integration, test coverage that'll make your head spin, and code quality that's off the charts. Plus, it's got that sweet, sweet Docker Hub integration for all you container junkies out there. Setting up Doku is a piece of cake. Just pull the latest Docker image (it's tiny, by the way - only 6MB compressed!), mount that Docker socket, and boom! You're in business. They've even thrown in a docker-compose config for those of you who like to keep things tidy. But wait, there's more! If you're the paranoid type (and let's face it, in tech, a little paranoia can be a good thing), Doku's got your back with basic auth support. Just set up an htpasswd file, and you're locked down tighter than Fort Knox. Doku's not picky about where it runs either. Whether you're rocking an AMD64, ARM v7, or ARM64 setup, Doku's ready to roll. The cherry on top? Doku's standing on the shoulders of giants. The creators give a big shout-out to projects like Gatus, Dozzle, and Reproxy that inspired them. It's like a supergroup of Docker tools had a baby, and that baby is Doku. So, if you're tired of playing guessing games with your Docker disk usage, give Doku a spin. It's open-source, it's slick, and it's ready to make your life a whole lot easier. Don't sleep on this one, folks - Doku's the real deal!

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