Nullboard is a minimalist kanban board, focused on compactness and readability.



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Nullboard is here to shake up the to-do list and project management scene with its minimalist take on the classic kanban board, keeping things compact and readable for you. The beauty of Nullboard lies in its simplicity: a single-page web app consisting of just one HTML file, an old-school jQuery package, and a webfont pack. It’s so straightforward, it even works offline—now that's what we call old-school cool! All your data stays local, which means it's not floating somewhere in the cloud. Everything is stored using localStorage. You can easily export and import your info via plain text files in a simple JSON format. And if you’re nitty-gritty about backups, Nullboard also supports automatic backups using various agents, covering you whether you’re on Windows, macOS, or a Unix system. Let’s dive into what makes Nullboard truly awesome. One standout feature is its user-friendly interface. Everything is editable in place, and changes save automatically. Plus, it keeps the last 50 revisions handy for you to undo or redo as needed. Adding new notes is a breeze—just pop them in where you need them. You can also drag notes around within and between lists, keeping everything organized just the way you like it. An ultra-clean design is part of the package, too. Controls stay hidden until you need them, reducing visual clutter. Longer notes can be collapsed to just the first line, making for an even more compact board view. The default font, Barlow, is narrow yet super legible—a perfect fit. Nullboard also supports multiple boards with near-instant switching, and you can tweak the font, size, line height, and even invert the color theme. Talk about customization! Not to mention, keyboard shortcuts make navigating through notes a snap. However, Nullboard is built with desktops and keyboard/mouse setups in mind. It’s somewhat untested on mobile devices and tap/touch inputs, so tread lightly there. It's tested in Chrome, works fine in Firefox, should be good in Safari, and might play nice with Edge. Note: it uses localStorage for storing your boards, lists, and notes, so be cautious when clearing your cache. If you're the type who digs full control over your data and loves a clean, no-fuss interface, Nullboard is your new best friend. It’s still in beta, so expect a few quirks here and there. If you spot a bug, file an issue and help contribute to making it even better. This whole project came to life because none of the existing solutions—Trello, Wekan, Things, or even plain old text files—hit that sweet spot for the creator. Nullboard was built to solve those issues and might just be the perfect fit for you, too. Catch updates and join the conversation on @nullboard Twitter, and check out the changelog for the latest tweaks and features. So why not give it a spin? Pop open Nullboard and redefine your productivity game.

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