fast & lightweight self-hosted messenger



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Hey there, folks! Let's dive into this cool new project that's making waves in the world of self-hosted messaging. Say hello to Databag, a federated messenger that's all about keeping things fast, lightweight, and in your own hands. Databag is like your friendly neighborhood messenger, but with some serious tech muscle under the hood. It's designed to be a lean, mean, messaging machine that won't hog all your hosting resources. Pretty sweet, right? Now, let's break down what makes Databag stand out from the crowd: First off, it's decentralized and federated. That means you can chat directly with your server node, and even connect with folks on different nodes. It's like having your own personal communication network that plays nice with others. Security? Oh, they've got that covered. Databag uses public-private key identity, so you're not tied down to any blockchain or specific hosting domain. Plus, it's got end-to-end encryption, keeping your convos under wraps from prying eyes – even the hosting admin can't peek if you've sealed the deal. But wait, there's more! Databag isn't just about text. You can make audio and video calls too. It's like having a Swiss Army knife of communication tools at your fingertips. One of the coolest features is how it organizes chats. Instead of the usual contact-based system, Databag uses topic-based threads. It's a fresh take that might just change how you think about organizing your conversations. And get this – there's no limit on group sizes. You could theoretically have a chat with the entire population of Rhode Island if you wanted to. Okay, maybe that's a bit much, but you get the idea. Now, here's where it gets really impressive. This bad boy is so lightweight, you could run the server on a Raspberry Pi Zero v1.3. That's some serious optimization right there. Databag is all about that low-latency life, using websockets for push events instead of constantly polling. It's like the difference between someone tapping you on the shoulder when there's news versus you asking "Anything new?" every five seconds. Got a big family or friend group? No problem. You can host unlimited accounts per node, so everyone can get in on the action. And for all you mobile users out there, Databag's got your back with alerts for new contacts, messages, and calls. It supports UnifiedPush, FCM, and APN, so you're covered no matter what device you're rocking. Last but not least, they've thrown in Multi-Factor Authentication for that extra layer of security. It plays nice with TOTP apps, so you can keep your account locked down tight. You can snag the Databag app from F-Droid, Apple's App Store, or Google Play. And if you're feeling adventurous, you can even take it for a test drive at Just remember, that server gets wiped regularly, so don't post anything you can't bear to lose. All in all, Databag is shaping up to be a solid contender in the world of self-hosted messaging. It's lightweight, secure, and packed with features that cater to both casual users and tech enthusiasts. If you're looking to break free from the big messaging corporates and take control of your communications, Databag might just be your new best friend. Give it a whirl and see what all the fuss is about!

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