A very simple static homepage for your server.



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Welcome to Homer, y'all! This ain't your average dashboard - it's a lean, mean, server-organizing machine that's about to make your digital life a whole lot sweeter. Homer is the brainchild of some seriously smart folks who wanted to create a dead simple static homepage for all your server goodies. And boy, did they deliver! This bad boy is powered by a straightforward YAML configuration file, making it a breeze to set up and customize. Now, let's talk features. Homer's got 'em in spades: 1. YAML file configuration - because who doesn't love a good YAML? 2. Installable as a Progressive Web App (PWA) - fancy! 3. Search functionality - find what you need, pronto 4. Grouping capabilities - keep things tidy 5. Theme customization - make it pretty 6. Offline health check - because sometimes the internet takes a coffee break 7. Keyboard shortcuts - for all you efficiency ninjas out there But wait, there's more! Homer is as easy to set up as pie. You've got options, folks: 1. Docker: For all you container cats, just run a quick command and you're off to the races. 2. Docker-compose: If you're feeling fancy, there's a sample file ready to roll. 3. Release tarball: Download, unzip, and you're good to go. 4. Build it yourself: For the DIY crowd, a few commands and you're in business. The cherry on top? Homer's got a rockin' community behind it. There's a demo to check out, a chat to join, and more documentation than you can shake a stick at. So, if you're looking to wrangle your server services into a slick, user-friendly dashboard, Homer's your huckleberry. It's blazing fast, awesome as all get-out, and ready to make your homelab life a whole lot easier. Give it a whirl - your servers will thank you!

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