Koillection is a self-hosted service allowing users to manage any kind of collections.



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Hey there, collection enthusiasts! Get ready to dive into the world of Koillection - the coolest self-hosted service that'll have you organizing your prized possessions like a pro. Koillection is the brainchild of some seriously savvy developers who wanted to create a one-stop-shop for managing all kinds of collections. Whether you're a bookworm with shelves full of novels, a movie buff with stacks of DVDs, or even a stamp collector with albums galore, Koillection's got your back. What sets Koillection apart from the pack is its flexibility. This bad boy isn't tied down to any specific type of collection. Nope, it's designed to handle whatever you throw at it. And the best part? You're in the driver's seat when it comes to adding metadata. No pre-built downloads here - you can tailor everything to fit your unique collection needs. Now, let's talk features. Koillection comes packed with some nifty tools to make your collecting life a breeze: 1. Custom HTML scraping: Want to grab info from your favorite collecting websites? Koillection lets you set up your own scraper to snag that sweet, sweet metadata. 2. Multi-language support: Koillection speaks your language! With translations available in English, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish, you'll feel right at home. 3. Self-hosted goodness: Keep your collection data close to your chest by hosting Koillection on your own setup. It's all about that privacy, baby! 4. Database flexibility: Whether you're team PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MariaDB, Koillection's got you covered. 5. User-friendly interface: With its sleek design and intuitive layout, managing your collections has never been easier on the eyes. 6. Customizable fields: Add whatever info you want to your items. The sky's the limit! 7. Tagging system: Keep things organized with a robust tagging feature. 8. Search functionality: Find that needle in your collection haystack with powerful search capabilities. 9. Statistics and visualizations: Get your data geek on with built-in stats and charts. 10. Mobile-friendly: Manage your collection on the go with a responsive design that works on your smartphone or tablet. The folks behind Koillection are all about community support too. They're always looking for help with translations (hey, Dutch speakers, they're looking at you!), and they're super appreciative of any bug reports or suggestions you might have. So, if you're tired of spreadsheets or old-school cataloging systems, why not give Koillection a whirl? It's open-source, it's free, and it's ready to take your collecting game to the next level. Just remember to back up that database, especially when updating - safety first, collectors! Now, who's ready to get their collect on? Koillection's waiting for you, so go ahead and dive in. Your perfectly organized collection is just a few clicks away!

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