A self hosted music streaming server



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Black Candy is bringing sweetness to your eardrums with its self-hosted music streaming server. Think of it as your personalized music hub—where your playlists, favorite tracks, and all things melodic live happily under your control. First things first, if you're itching to give Black Candy a whirl, there's a demo you can rock out to right from your browser. Just hop over to https://demo.blackcandy.org, punch in the demo user credentials (email: admin@admin.com, password: foobar), and have a go. Now, this demo user's got some limits, so you won't get the full VIP experience, but it’s enough to whet your appetite. All the jammin' tunes in the demo are from the Free Music Archive, just a heads up on that. Installing Black Candy is refreshingly simple, thanks to its pre-packaged Docker image. With just one command, you’ll be belting out your favorite tunes without a hitch: docker run -p 3000:3000 ghcr.io/blackcandy-org/blackcandy:latest And boom—your music center will be up and running at http://localhost:3000 or your preferred host IP. Now let’s talk upgrades. When Black Candy rolls out a new major version, expect some breaking changes. So, do your homework before hitting that upgrade button. Follow the guide, pull the latest image, and swap out those old containers to keep things grooving smoothly. Black Candy doesn't stop at your desktop—it hits the road too. Mobile apps are available on various app stores, and for the Android crowd, there’s even an APK up on the GitHub releases page. For some added customization, you’ve got plenty of configuration options. Whether it’s port mapping, media files mount, or shifting from SQLite to PostgreSQL for more robust database management, Black Candy’s flexible enough to cater to your bespoke needs. Nginx aficionados, rejoice! You can harness Nginx to beef up audio file delivery efficiency, thanks to easily configurable settings within Docker Compose. Persistent data? No problem. Black Candy stores all its must-keep info at `/app/storage`, and you can map this directory to your host for seamless data persistence. Logging is straightforward too, with everything piped to `STDOUT` by default, and Docker's got an array of options for managing those logs. Those who want bleeding-edge features can dive into the edge version, though it's a bit more wild-west with the potential for data loss and bugs. But hey, if you’re a developer itching to contribute or just curious about what’s next, it's a playground for testing and innovation. Developers have a clear path to get Black Candy up and running with Ruby, Node.js, and a few other dependencies. Jump straight into development mode with a simple `./bin/dev` command, and you’re off to the races. Testing? Covered. Linting? Yep, all there. Integrations with Discogs API sweeten the deal, pulling in artist and album images for a richer music experience. Supported by a community of enthusiasts, Black Candy is not just open-source—it's open for collaboration. So, whether you're setting up a jam session at home or looking to contribute to the next cool feature, Black Candy's got the recipe for an awesome music experience. Plug in and play, your personal music paradise awaits!

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