Node.JS Server and JavaScript/HTML Client for synchronizing online media



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Alright folks, have you ever wanted to enjoy a movie night with friends miles apart, or host a virtual watch party without the hassle of syncing up multiple streams? Well, step right up and meet CyTube, the ultimate Node.JS server and JavaScript/HTML client that's been synchronizing online media since 2013. CyTube is like the modern, supercharged cousin of the late Picture this: you and your friends register on a channel, queue up your favorite YouTube or Twitch videos, and watch them in perfect harmony. No more "3, 2, 1, play" disasters. Plus, it comes with a built-in chatroom so you can share all the feels in real-time as you watch. The brains behind this beauty started it as a hobby project to keep the joy of synchronous video watching alive, after bit the dust. And hey, they've done a bang-up job. Check out to see it in action on the official server, or join the many other public servers that have popped up for different communities. Thinking about setting up your own server? No sweat. The installation guide is thorough and can be found in the project's wiki. Techies will feel right at home diving into this setup. Got a question? CyTube's got you covered with an FAQ section that probably already has your answer. But if you're that rare squirrel with a unique bug or a wild feature request, just pop over to GitHub and open an issue. And for those with security concerns or server-specific queries, a friendly email to will do the trick. For the die-hard geeks out there, CyTube's source code is released under the MIT license, with bundled source codes under their own respective licenses. You can soak up all the technical goodness and even contribute if you're up for it. So why not turn a humdrum Friday night into something more exciting with CyTube? It’s your ticket to synchronized viewing and vibrant chatting, keeping friends connected no matter how far apart they are. Give it a whirl today!

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