An open source to do app for bookmarks.



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If you've got a growing number of bookmarks and find yourself wishing they were more organized, Unmark might just be your new digital best friend. Think of it as your trusty to-do list but specifically for bookmarks. It's an open-source project with some real savvy behind it, designed for anyone who wants to keep their internet discoveries in check. Unmark isn’t just another tool; it's a community-driven delight that’s been handed over to the masses for free. Not only does it live on GitHub, but it also offers an online version with a few extra perks if you decide to throw a few bucks its way. Want to show your support? You can subscribe to or even toss a donation via PayPal. And hey, the devs appreciate any coding contributions or bug reports you can muster too! Getting Unmark up and running locally isn’t a one-click job, but don’t let that scare you. For those comfortable with Docker, you're in luck. The setup involves installing Docker and Docker Compose, grabbing the latest release, and whipping out a couple of terminal commands. And just like that, you'll have Unmark humming along on your localhost. Here’s the cool part: even though Docker's the recommended route, if you’ve got the chops, you can still roll up your sleeves and set it up on your own server. Just be ready to tackle some usual suspects—like making sure PHP’s mod_rewrite is enabled and the mysqli extension is installed. And let's not gloss over the golden nugget: importing bookmarks. Unmark plays nice with tons of services, including its hosted version, Pocket, Pinboard, and more. Just tweak your PHP.ini’s max_upload_size, and you’re good to go. Not sure if Docker’s your cup of tea? No worries, they’ve still got you covered with more traditional installation options. Plus, detailed upgrade guides mean you’ll always be on the latest and greatest version without jumping through hoops. The project’s roots stretch back to a side-project by Colin Devroe, which was then lovingly rebuilt and now maintained by a squad of dedicated contributors. If you’re up for it, you can fork the repo, whip up some changes, and submit a pull request. Every bit helps, and the team makes it easy for you to get involved. Long story short, Unmark is a sentimental favorite for bookmark junkies who like their tools slick and under their control. Whether you're a seasoned developer or someone who's just starting to tinker with code, Unmark is a worthy addition to your toolkit. Now, how 'bout you dive in and have some fun with those bookmarks, folks?

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