Production ready AI agent framework



Cheshire-Cat image

Alright folks, buckle up! We're about to dive into the wild world of Cheshire Cat, the coolest cat in town when it comes to AI frameworks. This bad boy is like WordPress for artificial intelligence - if you've ever built a website, you'll feel right at home whipping up custom AIs with this slick system. So what's the deal with Cheshire Cat? Well, it's a production-ready framework that lets you build AI assistants on top of any language model you fancy. We're talking OpenAI, Google, Ollama, HuggingFace - you name it, Cheshire Cat can handle it. It's like having a Swiss Army knife for AI development. Getting started is a breeze. All you need is Docker, and you're off to the races. Just run a quick command, and bam! You've got yourself a Cheshire Cat purring away on localhost:1865. You can chat it up with your new feline friend or dive into the nitty-gritty with the REST API. Now, here's where things get really juicy. Cheshire Cat is all about flexibility and extensibility. You've got plugins galore - both public and private - to customize your AI to your heart's content. And if you're feeling fancy, you can whip up your own plugins faster than you can say "meow". But wait, there's more! This kitty's got some serious memory. It remembers conversations and documents, using them to keep the chat flowing smoothly. And with features like event callbacks, function calling, and conversational forms, you've got all the tools you need to create some seriously smart AI. The cherry on top? An admin panel that's easier to use than your grandma's TV remote. Chat, visualize memory, tweak settings - it's all there at your fingertips. So whether you're a seasoned AI wrangler or just dipping your toes into the world of artificial intelligence, Cheshire Cat's got your back. It's open-source, privacy-focused, and backed by a community that's more hyped than a cat on catnip. Ready to take your AI game to the next level? Give Cheshire Cat a spin and see where this rabbit hole takes you. Trust me, you'll be grinning like, well, a Cheshire Cat in no time!

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