Provides a ready-to-go Baikal server, incl. docker-compose.yml & Systemd service file



Baikal image

Hey folks, check this out! We've got a sweet little Docker setup for Baikal, the CalDAV and CardDAV server that'll keep your contacts and calendars in sync across all your gadgets. This bad boy comes straight from the kitchen of ckulka, and let me tell you, it's as easy as pie to get up and running. You've got your choice of flavors too - want it with Apache? No problemo. Prefer nginx? They've got you covered there too. Now, let's break it down for ya. This Docker image is packing Baikal version 0.9.5, and it's ready to rock on a bunch of different architectures. We're talking amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, and even i386. So whether you're running this on your beefy desktop or that tiny Raspberry Pi, you're good to go. One of the coolest things about this setup is how it handles your data. It keeps all your important stuff in two spots: /var/www/baikal/Specific and /var/www/baikal/config. Just make sure you're backing those up regularly and you'll be sitting pretty. Getting this show on the road is a breeze. You can fire it up with a simple Docker command, or if you're feeling fancy, there's a docker-compose file all ready to go. Just run "docker compose up" and boom, you're in business. But wait, there's more! This image comes with some nifty extras. It's got HTTPS support baked right in, complete with self-signed certs that you can swap out for your own if you want. And if you're running the Apache version, you can even customize the ServerName and ServerAlias with environment variables. Pretty slick, huh? So whether you're a DAV newbie or a seasoned pro, this Baikal Docker image has got your back. It's like having your own personal calendar and contacts butler, ready to serve at a moment's notice. Give it a spin and see for yourself why Baikal is the bee's knees of CalDAV and CardDAV servers!

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