PHPCI is a free and open source continuous integration tool specifically designed for PHP.



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PHPCI is shaking things up in the world of continuous integration, tailor-made for all you PHP aficionados out there. Picture this: a free, open-source tool that knows PHP like the back of its hand and ditches the complexity so you can focus on what you do best—coding. It’s licensed under BSD, which means you’re welcome to tweak and tinker to your heart's content. First off, PHPCI makes setting up and integrating your projects a cinch. Whether you're pulling code from GitHub, Bitbucket, or a local path, this tool won't bat an eyelid. It automates the setup and teardown of test databases, saving you from the drudgery of doing it manually every time you push a change. Now, let’s talk Composer dependencies. Yep, PHPCI installs those for you too. It's like having a handy sidekick who handles the boring stuff while you get on with the cool parts of your project. And if you have a particular workflow or set of checks, PHPCI has got you covered with a variety of supported plugins. What’s slick about this is the way you can customize these to your heart’s desire—telling it which directories to ignore or marking certain plugins as ok to fail but still run. Yeah, it’s as flexible as your yoga instructor. However, PHPCI doesn’t pretend to be something it’s not. So, there are a few things still on the wishlist—like virtualized testing, multiple PHP-version tests, and the ability to install PEAR or PECL extensions. Also, while it doesn’t handle deployments directly, they give a solid nod to Deployer for that task, acknowledging that their focus is on keeping the continuous integration smooth and straightforward. Getting started with PHPCI is a breeze. Their website is chock-full of documentation to guide you through installation and enabling PHPCI on your projects. And if you hit a snag or have a burning question, the community is quite a gem. You can join the mailing list and get your queries answered by fellow developers and contributors. Speaking of contributions, the PHPCI team is all ears for new ideas and improvements. They’ve rolled out the welcome mat for anyone willing to pitch in. Their contributing guide is the go-to resource if you're looking to get involved. So, whether you’re a lone wolf coder or part of a bustling development team, PHPCI makes continuous integration not just a necessity but a delight. It’s got the tools, the community, and the ease-of-use to handle the grunt work while you craft your PHP masterpieces. Check it out on GitHub and see how this nifty tool can lighten your load and streamline your workflow.

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