Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust, formerly known as bitwarden_rs



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Hey there, tech enthusiasts! Get ready to dive into the world of Vaultwarden, the cool cat of password management servers. This slick little number is giving the official Bitwarden server a run for its money, and boy, is it making waves in the self-hosting community! Vaultwarden is the brainchild of some seriously smart cookies who decided to rewrite the Bitwarden server API in Rust. Why, you ask? Well, imagine you want to run your own password manager server, but the official one's a bit of a resource hog. That's where Vaultwarden swoops in to save the day! This bad boy is lean, mean, and plays nice with all your favorite Bitwarden clients. It's like the Swiss Army knife of password servers - compact, efficient, and packed with features. We're talking the full enchilada here: organizations, attachments, vault API, you name it. It even serves up those static files for the vault interface like a pro. But wait, there's more! Vaultwarden's got your back with all the bells and whistles: website icons API, authenticator and U2F support, and even YubiKey and Duo for when you're feeling extra security-conscious. And let's not forget about Emergency Access - because sometimes, you gotta have a plan B. Now, I know what you're thinking - "This sounds too good to be true!" But hold onto your hats, folks, because installation is a breeze. With just a couple of Docker commands, you'll be up and running faster than you can say "two-factor authentication." Just remember, this ain't your grandma's Bitwarden server. Vaultwarden is the new kid on the block, so if you run into any hiccups, don't go crying to the official Bitwarden support. The Vaultwarden crew has got your back with their own support channels. So, if you're looking to take control of your password management game and flex those self-hosting muscles, Vaultwarden might just be your new best friend. It's open-source, it's efficient, and it's ready to rock your homelab world. Give it a spin and see what all the fuss is about!

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