A ShareX/file upload server that is easy to use, packed with features, and with an easy setup!



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Yo, check it out! Zipline's in the house, and it's bringing the heat when it comes to file sharing and uploading. This bad boy is like the Swiss Army knife of upload servers - it's got everything you need and then some. Zipline is an open-source project that's all about making file uploads a breeze. It's built with Next.js and React, so you know it's gonna be snappy and responsive. Whether you're rockin' ShareX on Windows or Flameshot on Linux and macOS, Zipline's got your back. Let's break it down, shall we? This thing is packed with features that'll make your file-sharing life way easier: 1. Token-protected uploading? Check. 2. Image compression? You betcha. 3. Password-protected uploads for that extra layer of security? Oh yeah. 4. URL shortening for when you need to keep things tight? It's in there. 5. Text uploading for all you code-sharing folks? Absolutely. 6. Customizable URL formats? You know it - we're talking UUIDs, dates, random alphanumeric, original names, and even some funky GfyCat-style animal-adjective combos. 7. Discord embeds with OG metadata? Yup, it's got that too. 8. A slick gallery viewer that supports multiple file formats? Of course! 9. Code highlighting for when you're showing off your sick scripts? You bet. 10. Fully customizable Discord webhook notifications? It's all yours to tweak. 11. OAuth2 registration with Discord and GitHub? Sign me up! 12. Two-factor authentication support? Security first, am I right? 13. User invites for when you want to bring your crew in? Definitely. 14. File chunking for those massive uploads? No sweat. 15. Auto-delete files after a certain number of views? Privacy, my friends. 16. Automatic video thumbnail generation? That's just icing on the cake. And the best part? Setting this bad boy up is easier than falling off a log. We're talking one-command install with Docker Compose. Just hit 'em with that "docker compose up -d" and you're off to the races. Zipline's not just about features though - it's about making your life easier. The interface is clean, the dashboard is intuitive, and it plays nice with all your favorite tools. Whether you're a ShareX junkie or a Flameshot fanatic, Zipline's got you covered. So if you're looking for a file upload server that's fast, flexible, and packed with more features than you can shake a stick at, Zipline's your huckleberry. Give it a spin and see what all the fuss is about. Your files (and your sanity) will thank you.

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