An open source, offline capable, mind mapping application leveraging HTML5 technologies



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For those who crave visually organizing their thoughts without all the hoopla of fancy frameworks, Mindmaps might be the hidden gem they didn’t know they needed. This project won't keep you up at night trying to figure out what’s next – it’s tidy, capable, and does exactly what it promises, without any frills. Mindmaps is a mind mapping application that's been around the block since 2011, a time when HTML5 was the next big thing. Created to push the boundaries of what could be done directly in the browser, Mindmaps lets you create structured, visually appealing mind maps right from your web browser. Picture it as your trusty digital notebook, always there when you need it, and accessible even without an internet connection. The app’s standout features are a real throwback to those early days of HTML5. Remember the ApplicationCache? Yup, Mindmaps has got that, making it 100% offline capable. It also stores your mind maps using LocalStorage and uses the FileReader API if you want to pull in maps from your device. The drawing itself is handled by the good ol’ Canvas API. This means you get a pure JavaScript experience, free of the modern JavaScript fatigue that comes with a slew of frameworks and build tools. Sure, the code might not have the latest bells and whistles like React or ES6 – it’s a product of its time, and that's part of its charm. There’s no compilation step, no babel plugins, and certainly no webpack. Just a straightforward, simple JavaScript app using a Model-View-Presenter pattern that anyone can pick up and understand with ease. If you’re itching to give it a whirl, you can dive right in and try the latest stable build. Or, if you’re feeling like a weekend project, the build process is straightforward. After running `npm install`, you can fire up a local dev server with `npm run start` or compile a production bundle using `npm run build`. Need to host it yourself? No problem. Just serve the built files from a web server that’s set up to handle `.appcache` files, and you’re good to go. And hey, if you're into tweaking things or just nosy about what's under the hood, the project’s completely open-source under the AGPL V3 license. So, clone it, poke around, and maybe even contribute a fix or two if a bug crops up. Just don’t expect any new features – the project’s creator considers it feature complete and is only patching critical bugs from here on out. Want to dive deep into the world of HTML5 nostalgia and organize your ideas the old-school way? Check out Mindmaps on GitHub. You won’t get lost in this mind maze; instead, you'll find a tool that’s all about simplicity and functionality, without the clutter.

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