Self-hosted, Node.js based analytics tool for those who care about privacy.



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Hey there, folks! Let's talk about Ackee - the slick, self-hosted analytics tool that's got privacy buffs buzzing. This bad boy is tailor-made for those who want to keep tabs on their website traffic without getting all up in their visitors' business. Ackee is a Node.js-based powerhouse that runs on your own turf, giving you full control over your data. It's 100% open-source, so you can peek under the hood anytime you want. What's really cool is how it keeps things on the down-low - no cookies, no unique user tracking, and definitely no pesky cookie consent popups cluttering up your site. Now, let's break down some of the sweet features that make Ackee stand out: 1. Privacy-first approach: Ackee keeps your visitors' data anonymized, so you can get the insights you need without compromising anyone's privacy. 2. Lightweight setup: Built on Node.js and MongoDB, Ackee is nimble and easy to get up and running. 3. Slick interface: The UI is clean, minimal, and focused - no fluff, just the good stuff. 4. Event tracking: Want to know how many folks are clicking that shiny new button or signing up for your newsletter? Ackee's got you covered. 5. GraphQL API: For all you dev wizards out there, Ackee comes with a fully documented GraphQL API, so you can build your own tools on top of it. Getting Ackee up and running is a breeze. You've got options, my friends - whether you're a Docker devotee, a Helm hero, or prefer to roll without containers, there's a setup method for you. Heck, you can even deploy it on platforms like Netlify, Vercel, or Heroku if that's your jam. But wait, there's more! Ackee plays nice with a ton of frameworks and tools. Got a Gatsby site? There's a plugin for that. Running WordPress? Check out the Soapberry plugin. Using React, Vue, Angular, or Svelte? Yep, there are modules and wrappers for all of those too. So, if you're tired of big-name analytics tools hoarding your visitors' data and you want something that respects privacy while still giving you the lowdown on your site's performance, give Ackee a shot. It's the perfect middle ground for folks who don't need all the bells and whistles of Google Analytics but still want to keep their finger on the pulse of their web traffic. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility - use those analytics wisely, and keep it cool, cats!

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