Ever® Traduora™ - Open Translation Management Platform - https://traduora.co



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Ever® Traduora™ is the kind of open translation management platform that makes you wonder how you ever got by without it. It's the secret sauce for teams looking to streamline their translation workflow, all while staying in sync and on top of the latest updates. This ain't your run-of-the-mill tool—it's a community-driven, open-source marvel. First off, getting started with Traduora is a breeze. In just five minutes, you can have it up and running using Docker, Kubernetes, or by building it from source. Yup, you heard that right—five minutes! And once you're in, the platform welcomes you with an instant search feature to quickly locate whatever you're looking for. Invite your whole squad and get to work; everyone can collaborate on the same project like a well-oiled machine. One of Traduora’s standout features is its versatility when it comes to import and export options. Whether you're working with JSON, CSV, YAML, Java Properties, or even Android Resources, Traduora has you covered. And if you're feeling extra tech-savvy, you can also automate your workflow via their REST API. Plus, there’s a community-contributed CLI for even more seamless operations, available at https://github.com/iilei/traduora-cli. But that’s not all. Traduora is designed to become the heart of your translation workflow. The developers have laid the groundwork, but they’ve also opened the doors wide for the community to build and improve on the platform. This collaborative spirit means the project is always evolving, incorporating new features that meet real-world needs. Now, let’s talk about what’s new. The Traduora team has recently introduced the Ever Gauzy Teams platform for work and project management. Built with a slick React/ReactNative stack, this new addition plugs right into the headless Ever Gauzy Platform APIs. If that sounds like something you’d dig, don’t forget to check it out and give it a star on GitHub. Running Traduora is as flexible as it gets. You can deploy it practically anywhere, from your local setup to a fully-scaled cloud environment. Quickstart guides and Docker Hub pages make deployment a cinch, offering pre-built images for hassle-free implementation. To dive deeper into feature specifics, make sure to visit the official documentation at docs.traduora.co. They've got a whole lot more info packed in there—everything from configuration and deployment tips to FAQs. Security? They've got that covered too. The Traduora team emphasizes good security practices, ensuring that all communications between the client and server are encrypted via HTTPS/SSL. While no software can claim to be 100% secure, they take it seriously and encourage responsible disclosure of any vulnerabilities. For international folks, Traduora aims to be as inclusive as possible. They’re even setting up a Traduora server for translating the platform itself. Stay tuned for more details on how to contribute to this exciting effort. So, if you're in the market for a robust, team-friendly, and truly open translation management platform, look no further than Ever® Traduora™. Head over to their website at https://traduora.co to get started, and don’t forget to give them a shoutout on GitHub—it helps spread the word and foster even more community contributions. Ever Traduora is brought to you with love and commitment by https://github.com/anthonynsimon and contributors. Now under the wing of Ever company, it’s poised for even greater heights. See you in the repo, folks!

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