⚡ The future of programmable SIP servers.



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Routr's shaking up the SIP server scene with an eye firmly on the future. This bad boy's not just your everyday lightweight SIP proxy—it's a location server, and registrar that's perfect for telephony carriers, communication service providers, and integrators looking for something reliable and scalable. Diving into the guts of Routr, you'll find a whole menu of features that make it stand out. We're talking Common SIP Server functions like Proxy, Registrar, and Location Service, plus programmable routing that's as flexible as a gymnast. And let’s not forget the load balancing strategies against Media Servers like Asterisk and FreeSWITCH that'll keep your calls flowing smoothly. Have a multi-tenant setup with multiple domains? Routr’s got you covered with domain-level Access Control Lists. Want to fine-tune how your calls are routed? You'll love the configurable routing strategies for Intra-Domain, Domain Ingress, Domain Egress, and Peer Egress. Plus, with no single point of failure, your service remains rock-solid. Routr doesn’t skimp on transport options either—you've got TCP, UDP, TLS, WS, and WSS to choose from. And for those serious about performance, in-memory and Redis Location Service are in the mix. The flexibility extends to data sources, supporting both JSON and YAML files as well as Postgres. Managing your server is a breeze with the gRPC API and the NodeSDK, and for those who prefer command-line tools, the CTL has you covered. Plus, the RTPEngine Middleware, Helm Chart for Kubernetes deployments, and endpoint authentication with JWT for web phones make Routr a well-rounded solution. Say you've got STIR/SHAKEN support, and you've got a web application to boot. Routr's not just ready for the cloud—it's designed for it. It's no wonder heavy hitters in the industry, from Phil Jones at VQ Communications to Jessie Wadman at Camanio AB, are singing its praises. Need to get up and running pronto? Routr’s got you covered with multiple deployment options. Spin it up instantly with Docker and Compose, or set it loose in a Kubernetes cluster with the official Helm chart. And if you’re in dev mode, Gitpod’s one-click interactive deployment is there to get your server humming in no time. Whether you're taking your first steps with the NodeSDK or diving into advanced features like custom processors and middleware, Routr’s documentation is thorough and friendly, guiding you every step of the way. Routr's community is thriving, and they're eager to hear from you. Join the conversation via GitHub Discussions or pop into their Discord channel—there’s always someone around to talk roadmaps, feature requests, or just the latest tech gossip. Supporting Routr is as easy as giving it a star on GitHub. Every star helps drive momentum for this open-source marvel. So if you want to see where the future of programmable SIP servers is headed, jump in and contribute. For more details and to start tinkering, head over to their GitHub page and explore what Routr can offer your NextGen communication needs.

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