A static website and blog generator



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Spinning up a striking website or snazzy blog has never been easier, thanks to Nikola—a top-notch static site and blog generator. Dive into your content, and out comes a sleek website ready to roll. It's all simpler, safer, and quicker. You won’t believe how much Nikola saves on resources and sidesteps any vendor lock-ins. And, honestly, who doesn’t want fewer headaches? So, what’s the big deal about static websites with Nikola, you ask? Well, hold onto your hat because this tool doesn’t mess around. If you’ve got content, Nikola can handle it with grace and speed. Think of it as having your cake and eating it too—blogs, complete with tags, feeds, archives, and even comments. Customization is a breeze as Nikola is themable to your heart's content. Plus, the build process? It’s lightning-fast, courtesy of ‘doit’. And let's talk flexibility. The array of plugins lets you tweak and tinker to your satisfaction. It even supports a bunch of input languages like reStructuredText, Markdown, Wiki, BBCode, Textile, and of course, HTML. Want to showcase an image gallery? Just drop your files in a folder. Nikola takes care of the rest. Code lovers will appreciate the syntax highlighting for nearly any programming markup out there. And, for the globetrotters, Nikola's multilingual capabilities are a game changer, with translations in 50 different languages. Sweet, right? The architecture of Nikola is a breath of fresh air. The entire core is learnable in a single day for any dedicated programmer. It's a small codebase but mighty in action. Why reinvent the wheel when you can leverage existing tools to get the job done? Installation too is a snap. If you've got pip installed, run: pip install Nikola And if you’re after those pizzazz-packed extras: pip install "Nikola\[extras\]" Planning to run some tests? No problem: pip install "Nikola\[extras,tests\]" Nikola is your one-stop-shop for bringing your web presence to life without breaking a sweat. Whether you’re a seasoned coder or a newbie, you’ll find Nikola’s approach refreshing and its results captivating. Ready to jump in? Check out Nikola at https://github.com/getnikola/nikola. You'll be up and running in no time.

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