Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax. Powered by Python.



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Pelican—or as some might say, your new best buddy for static site generation—rolls in with some seriously cool powers tucked under its wings. Crafted with Python, it’s got the muscle to whip up web sites using easy-to-write formats like Markdown, reStructuredText, and HTML. Now, who wouldn’t dig writing out some killer blog posts without having to get all tangled up in databases or server-side coding? Here’s the lowdown: Pelican is your go-to for generating static sites. What this means is once your site is generated, it’s ready to be served by any web server or hosting platform you fancy. Talk about plug-and-play! So, what’s all the buzz about? Pelican’s got some slick features that’ll amp up your web game: - **Content Composition**: Jot down your riveting stories, tutorials, or whatever floats your boat in Markdown or reStructuredText. Use whichever code editor makes you smile. - **Command-Line Power**: With a simple command, Pelican spins your text into lovely HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making your site look oh-so-snazzy. - **Version Control Friendly**: Easy-peasy integration with version control systems and web hooks means you can keep track of all your edits and updates without breaking a sweat. - **Static and Simplistic**: Static output hosting is about as straightforward as it gets. Fast speeds, low costs—what’s not to love? But wait, there’s more: - **Chronological Content**: Perfect for articles and blog posts, all beautifully organized. - **External Service Integration**: Want to connect with other services? Pelican’s got your back. - **Themes Galore**: Thanks to Jinja2 templates, theming your site just got a whole lot cooler. - **Multilingual Publishing**: Reach a larger audience by publishing your work in multiple languages. - **Hot Feeds**: Generate Atom and RSS feeds to keep your followers in the loop. - **Code Syntax Highlighting**: Flaunt your coding prowess with Pygments highlighting your code snippets. - **Content Importing**: Got a WordPress or Dotclear blog you’re switching from? Pelican makes the move easier. - **Speedy Rebukes**: Thanks to caching and selective writing, your site rebuilds at lightning speed. - **Plugin Paradise**: Dive into Pelican Plugins and extend your site’s functionality like a pro. For those of you itching to peek under the hood or contribute, Pelican’s source code is all up on GitHub. They even have documentation for all you curious cats wanting to understand the nitty-gritty of Pelican’s internals. Oh, and the name ‘Pelican’ isn’t just cute—it's an anagram of “calepin,” which is the French word for ‘notebook.’ Pretty nifty, right? Whether you’re new to static site generators or a savvy techie looking for your next project, give Pelican a whirl. It’s the ultimate blend of simplicity, power, and extensibility, making it the perfect companion for all your web development escapades. Check it out on GitHub and watch your ideas soar!

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