pure java git solution



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Looking to dive into the wonderful world of open-source git servers? Say hello to Gitblit! This project is like the Swiss Army knife of Git, cleverly crafted in pure Java, just for folks who appreciate versatile, high-octane tools. Gitblit isn’t just another Git hosting solution; it’s a powerhouse that can have you up and running with a slick, feature-packed server in less than a New York minute. First things first, Gitblit makes managing, viewing, and serving Git repositories a breeze. It flaunts triple-threat repository serving via GIT, HTTP, and SSH transports. It’s like having all the good stuff rolled into one tidy package. Plus, it plays well with various authentication providers, meaning it’s as versatile as a trusty wrench in your homelab toolbox. Jumping into Gitblit’s installation is a cakewalk – a Java 8 Runtime Environment (JRE) or Development Kit (JDK) is all you need to get this bad boy starting on the right foot. Now, if you’re keen to contribute, they’ve streamlined the whole process. Just fork, clone, branch, commit, push, and you’re ready to open a pull request. They even have a list of dos and don'ts in their CONTRIBUTING file to get you on the right track. Now, not to geek out, but the building process of Gitblit is where the magic happens. They use submodules, so make sure you're cloning the repo with `--recursive`. Gitblit is best pals with Eclipse - just import it into your workspace, run their Ant script, refresh the project, and boom! All those pesky build errors vanish like Houdini. Need to go the extra mile? Run the `GitBlitSuite` test suite via JUnit, which clones some repos from the web and gives them a thorough shakedown. On the nitty-gritty side, the tools and tips section is a goldmine. For the console-savvy, consider setting the `MX_COLOR` environment variable before running Ant to keep things neat and tidy in an ANSI-capable console. The build script also talks nicely to your Maven proxy settings, so no worries there. Gitblit is distributed under the Apache Software Foundation license, version 2.0, and you can find all the juicy details in the LICENSE file at the root of the project. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, the Gitblit website, forums, and Google Groups are all solid places to seek help or show off your contributions. To sum up, if you’re looking for an intuitive, robust Git server - Gitblit is the way to go. It’s like having a trusty pit crew for all your Git needs, keeping everything running smoothly and flawlessly. Ready to rev up your homelab with Gitblit? Head over to their GitHub page and get started!

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