A self-hosted dashboard that puts all your feeds in one place



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Yo, check it out! The tech wizards over at Glance have cooked up something pretty sweet for all you internet junkies out there. This bad boy is a self-hosted dashboard that's gonna revolutionize the way you consume your online content. It's like having your own personal mission control for the web, all in one slick package. Glance is the brainchild of some seriously clever coders who realized we're all drowning in a sea of feeds, posts, and updates. They decided it was high time to throw us a lifeline. This nifty little app brings together all your favorite online haunts - we're talking RSS feeds, Reddit posts, weather updates, and even your YouTube subscriptions - and serves them up on a silver platter. But wait, there's more! Glance isn't just another pretty face. This bad boy is built for speed and efficiency. We're talking minimal JavaScript, no bloated frameworks, and a binary that's smaller than your average cat video. It's so lightweight, it'll make your other apps feel like they've been hitting the buffet too hard. Now, let's break down some of the cool features that'll make you want to give Glance a spin: 1. Widget Wonderland: Glance comes packed with a smorgasbord of widgets. You've got your RSS feeds, subreddit posts, weather updates, bookmarks, Hacker News, YouTube videos, clocks, calendars, stocks... heck, they've even thrown in a widget for Twitch channels. It's like an all-you-can-eat buffet for your eyeballs. 2. Theme It Up: Tired of the same old look? Glance lets you switch up the style with different themes. It's like giving your dashboard a fresh coat of paint whenever the mood strikes. 3. Mobile Maverick: This ain't your grandpa's dashboard. Glance is optimized for mobile devices, so you can take your internet command center with you wherever you go. Bathroom breaks just got a whole lot more interesting. 4. Speed Demon: Glance is faster than a caffeinated cheetah. With parallelized requests, most pages load in about a second. It's so quick, you might need to install a seat belt on your office chair. Setting up Glance is a breeze, whether you're a command-line cowboy or a Docker aficionado. They've got detailed instructions for both manual installation and Docker deployment. And for you code jockeys out there, they've even included instructions on how to build it from source. Now, fair warning: Glance is still cooking in the oven. The devs are working hard to perfect their recipe, so expect a few hiccups along the way. But hey, that's the price of being on the cutting edge, right? So, if you're tired of juggling a million tabs and apps just to stay up to date, give Glance a shot. It might just be the one-stop-shop for all your internet needs. Who knows? It could be the best thing to happen to your online life since high-speed internet. Saddle up, partner - it's time to take control of your digital frontier!

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