Simple bookmark manager built with Go



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If you're the kind of person who has more bookmarks than an old-school librarian, then Shiori just might be your new best friend. Crafted with love and precision in Go, Shiori isn't just another bookmark manager—it's a pocket-sized powerhouse that fits snugly into your daily hustle. Straight off, Shiori's designed to be as easy-going as a Sunday afternoon. No complicated setups or multi-step installations here; it's a single binary file. That means whether you're rocking a command line or chilling with a sleek web app, Shiori's got your back. Basics like adding, editing, deleting, and searching your bookmarks? Covered. Plus, if you're a power user who loves tweaking things from the terminal, Shiori’s got one of the cleanest command line interfaces out there. But let's break it down further. Need to bulk-import bookmarks from Pocket or Netscape Bookmark files? It's got you. And say you want to keep your bookmarks smooth and accessible across different platforms? Shiori supports sqlite3, PostgreSQL, and MySQL databases like a champ. For those moments when you just want to keep it all local and offline, Shiori can parse readable content and create an archive of the webpage right on your device. If you're the type who lives and breathes web browsers, Shiori’s got beta extensions for both Firefox and Chrome. One click, and boom—bookmark saved. Sweet, right? Now, you know how some open-source projects can be a bit of a mystery when it comes to documentation? Not Shiori. All the nitty-gritty details live in the docs folder. And if you spot something off or think there's room for improvement, the team is all about those pull requests. It's like a big ol’ community barn raising—everyone's welcome to pitch in. What makes Shiori even cooler is its MIT license. It’s about as free and open as software gets, letting you tweak and tailor it to your heart’s content. And if you make something awesome? Share it back—everyone loves a good pull request. So, whether you’re a code wrangler with a penchant for command lines or someone who just wants a web interface that’s easy on the eyes, Shiori is a winner. It'll have your bookmarks neat, tidy, and accessible, all without breaking a sweat. Head on over to their GitHub page and see what the fuss is all about. You won't be disappointed.

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