A simple, Git-powered wiki with a local frontend and support for many kinds of markup and content.



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Gollum is like that trusty old notebook you never knew you needed, but once you have it, you can't imagine life without it. It's a simple, Git-powered wiki that brings a whole new level of organization and flexibility to your documentation game. Imagine having a wiki that's as easy to edit as your favorite text file, but with the power of Git behind it. That's Gollum for you. At its core, Gollum is all about simplicity and versatility. It's a wiki system built right on top of Git, which means every page you create is just a text or markup file in a Git repository. You can organize these pages however you like, toss in some images or PDFs, and even add headers and footers to give your pages that extra flair. And the best part? You can write your pages in a variety of markup languages, from Markdown to RDoc, and even AsciiDoc if you're feeling fancy. Gollum doesn't just stop at being a plain old wiki. It's got some serious chops when it comes to advanced features. You can whip up diagrams using Mermaid or PlantUML, manage your references with BibTeX, and even sprinkle in some math equations with KaTeX or MathJax. If you're into annotations, CriticMarkup has got you covered. And for those who love to keep tabs on changes, there's an RSS feed to keep you in the loop. Running Gollum is a breeze, whether you're on a Unix-like system or Windows. You can get it up and running as a Ruby Gem, through Docker, or even as a Java web application. Just fire up your terminal, run a couple of commands, and you're good to go. It's like setting up a local wiki party, and everyone's invited. Customization is the name of the game with Gollum. You can tweak it to your heart's content, from the command line options to the configuration files. Want to change the port or host? No problem. Need to enable file uploads or add some custom CSS? Easy peasy. Gollum's got a whole bunch of options to make sure it fits just right into your workflow. And if you're the kind of person who loves to tinker and contribute, Gollum welcomes you with open arms. It's an open-source project, so there's always room for more hands on deck. Whether you're submitting issues or diving into the code, there's a place for you in the Gollum community. So, if you're looking for a wiki that's as flexible as a gymnast and as powerful as a freight train, Gollum is your go-to. It's the perfect blend of simplicity and functionality, wrapped up in a neat little package. Give it a whirl, and watch your documentation game level up like never before.

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