A lightweight server monitoring hub with historical data, docker stats, and alerts.



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Yo, check it out! The folks over at Beszel have cooked up something pretty sweet for all you homelab enthusiasts out there. This nifty little number is a lightweight server monitoring hub that's gonna make keeping tabs on your setup a whole lot easier. So here's the deal: Beszel is rocking some seriously cool features that'll have you geeking out in no time. First off, it's got historical data tracking, so you can see how your servers have been performing over time. No more guessing games about what went down last week - it's all there in black and white. But wait, there's more! If you're big into Docker (and let's face it, who isn't these days?), Beszel has got you covered with detailed stats on all your containers. CPU usage, memory consumption - you name it, it's tracked. Now, let's talk alerts. Beszel's got your back with customizable notifications for all sorts of scenarios. CPU going haywire? Memory maxing out? Disk space running low? Don't sweat it - Beszel will give you a heads up before things go south. One of the coolest things about this bad boy is how lightweight it is. We're talking way less resource-hungry than some of the big-name monitoring solutions out there. Perfect for those of us running our labs on older hardware or trying to squeeze every last drop of performance out of our systems. And get this - it's multi-user friendly! Each user gets their own little corner of the monitoring world, but admins can still share the love and let others peek at system stats if they want. Setting it up? Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. No need to expose anything to the wild west of the internet if you don't want to. Just spin it up, and you're good to go. Oh, and for all you security nuts out there (looking at you, Dave), Beszel plays nice with OAuth and OIDC. So you can lock it down tighter than Fort Knox if that's your jam. Last but not least, they've baked in automatic backups and a REST API. So whether you're paranoid about data loss or want to integrate Beszel's metrics into your own scripts, they've got you covered. All in all, Beszel is shaping up to be a real contender in the homelab monitoring game. It's lightweight, feature-packed, and easy to use. What more could a homelab hero ask for? So why not give it a spin and see what all the fuss is about? Your servers will thank you!

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