A self-hostable bookmark-everything app (links, notes and images) with AI-based automatic tagging and full text search



Hoarder image

Yo, check it out! There's a new kid on the block in the world of bookmark management, and it's called Hoarder. This bad boy is like the Swiss Army knife of digital hoarding - it's got you covered for all your link-saving, note-taking, and image-storing needs. Hoarder is the brainchild of some tech-savvy folks who were like, "You know what? We need a self-hosted app that can handle all our digital clutter." And boy, did they deliver! This open-source project is all about giving you control over your data while still packing a punch with its features. Let's break it down, shall we? Hoarder's got some pretty sweet tricks up its sleeve: First off, it's not just about bookmarking links. Nah, this app lets you save simple notes and even store images and PDFs. It's like your digital attic, but way more organized. When you save a link, Hoarder's got your back. It automatically fetches titles, descriptions, and images, so you don't have to lift a finger. And if you're all about that organization life, you can sort your bookmarks into lists. Easy peasy! Now, here's where it gets really cool - Hoarder's got some AI mojo working for you. It uses ChatGPT (or local models if that's more your speed) to automatically tag your stuff. It's like having a really smart librarian working 24/7 to categorize your digital hoard. Oh, and did I mention the full-text search? Yep, you can search through all your saved content like a boss. No more endless scrolling to find that one article you saved six months ago. For all you mobile users out there, Hoarder's got you covered with both iOS and Android apps. And if you're a browser extension fan, they've got Chrome and Firefox add-ons for quick bookmarking on the fly. Now, I gotta warn ya - Hoarder's still cooking. The devs are clear that it's under heavy development and not quite stable yet. But hey, that's the fun of open-source, right? You get to see it grow and maybe even contribute if you're feeling frisky. The stack behind Hoarder is pretty solid too. We're talking NextJS for the web app, Drizzle for database stuff, NextAuth for keeping your login secure, and a bunch of other cool tech like Puppeteer for crawling and Meilisearch for that slick full-content search. So, if you're tired of your bookmarks being all over the place, or you just love the idea of having your own personal, AI-powered digital librarian, Hoarder might be right up your alley. It's self-hosted, it's open-source, and it's got that cool factor with its AI tagging. What's not to love? Just remember, it's still a work in progress, so maybe don't throw all your eggs in this basket just yet. But definitely keep an eye on it - Hoarder's shaping up to be a real game-changer in the world of digital hoarding. Happy bookmarking, folks!

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