A social publishing platform.



Known image

Looking to build your very own social publishing platform? Say hello to "Known," the slick, open-source solution that's gonna make all your digital dreams come true. This bad boy isn't just about spreading the love of social media but also connects communities and creates a super interactive space for group collaborations right from your own server. How cool is that? First up, installation couldn’t be easier. With Reclaim Hosting, it's basically a one-click affair. Just click, and bam, you're up and running. Known’s README spells out that it plays nice with DreamHost too—so there’s that. If you're more of a control freak and like tinkering under the hood, you got the full GitHub repo to dive into. Just a quick git clone and you're halfway there. Composer handles your dependencies swiftly, like a hot knife through butter. Easy peasy, right? Now, let’s talk about the tech under the hood. This platform works with PHP 8.1+ and really gives you versatility by supporting multiple database backends. You even get the option to pull in the latest, cutting-edge code straight from Composer if you want to live on the edge. Alright, getting support is another huge plus for Known. They’ve got an open-source mailing list that’s buzzing with activity. You can get all your “how-tos” and a glut of valuable advice from fellow developers. If you’re into real-time chats, they even have an IRC channel. Old school, but it works like a charm. Contributing to this project? They make it super welcoming for newcomers. Their README shouts out to all contributors, displaying gratitude in the most wholesome way. You can even support the project monetarily through OpenCollective if you feel so inclined. And hey, giving them a star on GitHub or a thumbs-up on alternativeto.net doesn’t hurt either. But let’s not forget the star-studded ensemble of libraries bundled in this package. From Twitter Bootstrap to jQuery, Symfony components to Leaflet.js, it’s like having an all-star tech team right at your fingertips. You got it all, wrapped up in one neat package. Licenses are all clearly stated so you know what you're dealing with. Community links? They got it in spades. Project documentation, mailing lists, you name it. And with active development sizzling behind the scenes, you can be sure this isn’t some project drifting into oblivion. So, if you're itching to build an IndieWeb social network or ramp up your CMS game, Known’s got your back. Go ahead, give it a whirl, and embrace the future of social publishing.

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