a Disqus alternative



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In the ever-expanding realm of the web, where user interaction is key, comes a lightweight, self-hosted commenting system that's turning heads—Isso, a slick Disqus alternative that's changing the comment game. Isso, short for "Ich schrei sonst" (a humorous German phrase meaning "I'll scream otherwise"), is a commenting server crafted in Python and JavaScript. It's built like a lean, mean comment machine, aiming to be a perfect drop-in replacement for Disqus. Isso packs a punch with some stellar features that make it stand out. First off, users can write comments in Markdown, and they've got the freedom to edit or delete their comments within a set timeframe - 15 minutes by default. Moderation? Check. You won't find those comments in the moderation queue going live before you give the green light. The backbone of Isso is as straightforward as it gets - it's powered by SQLite. Yep, that's right. No need to worry about messing around with big, bulky databases because, as the folks behind Isso say, "comments are not Big Data." Migrating from Disqus or WordPress? Isso’s got your back. The import process is hassle-free, ensuring you keep the conversation flowing without a hitch. And embedding this server is a breeze too. Just one configurable JavaScript file is all it takes, and at 65kB (or a lean 20kB when gzipped), it's not going to bloat your load times. Wanna see it in action? Check out isso-comments.de for a live demo and to dive deeper into the details and documentation. Getting Isso up and running doesn't require a PhD. You need Python 3.8 or later, SQLite 3.3.8 or later, and a working C compiler. Install Isso straight from PyPi with a quick `pip install isso`, and you're on your way. Follow the Quickstart guide, or if you hit a snag, the install guide, troubleshooting tips, and full docs are at your disposal. For you Docker fans out there, be mindful that the image tagging scheme has switched up as of March 2024, so pin it to a specific release tag like `isso:0.13.0` to keep things smooth. This project thrives on community support, so pull requests are always welcome. New contributors can find plenty of good first issues to dip their toes into. Whether you want to submit code, translate, or help out in other ways, Isso's team is ready for your input. Running into trouble or got a burning question? The Isso community hangs out on IRC via Libera.Chat and GitHub Discussions - don’t be shy, they’re a friendly bunch! Licensed under MIT, Isso's all about keeping things open and accessible. It’s easy to see why this Disqus alternative is making waves among developers eager to self-host their commenting systems without the fuss. Get in on the action and give Isso a whirl. You might just find it’s the commenting solution you've been waiting for.

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