Bonobo Git Server for Windows is a web application you can install on your IIS and easily manage and connect to your git repositories. Go to homepage for release and more info.



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Bonobo Git Server for Windows is the go-to web application for those looking to manage and connect to their git repositories effortlessly, all on familiar ground—IIS. This gem is perfect for anyone navigating the Windows ecosystem who wants a robust, easy-to-install Git server. Bonobo Git Server has some core features and standout points that'll make any dev's heart skip a beat. First off, it’s ready for prime time if you’ve got Internet Information Services (IIS) 7 and up, along with the .NET Framework 4.6 or higher. The setup steps are laid out plainly, so no heavy lifting is required. Extract, modify some permissions, convert to an application in IIS, and off you go. You’ll have your Git server up and running faster than you can say "commit." Now, why does this matter? Bonobo Git Server serves up your Git repositories right from your own Windows server. Whether you're on Windows Server 2008, 2012, or even cruising on Windows 8 or 10, the process is smooth as butter. With the right tweaks, your local repositories will be humming along nicely. Updating Bonobo is also a breeze. The README clearly spells out the steps: delete necessary files, drop in the new ones, and you’re back in business. No headaches, no fuss. What makes Bonobo Git Server shine in the Git hosting crowd is its sheer simplicity paired with power-user capabilities. You can manage repositories, change passwords, back up data, and even customize the repository folder effortlessly. Bonobo also accommodates anonymous access both for reading and pushing changes, if you enable the setting. Plus, the FAQs cover everything from cloning a repo to using environment variables for scripting with git hooks. This setup is perfect for small teams or even solo developers needing a reliable Git server solution on their own hardware. Plus, if you're dealing with Active Directory, Bonobo has got your back, making it easy to integrate with your existing authentication system. In a nutshell, Bonobo Git Server packs a wallop of features into a user-friendly package. If you’re entrenched in the Windows server world and need a Git solution that doesn’t require a PhD in system admin sorcery, Bonobo’s got you covered. Head over to their homepage or GitHub page to grab the latest release and ditch those extra hurdles. Happy coding!

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