A wiki using HAppS, pandoc, and git



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Hey tech enthusiasts! Let's talk about something really cool that has come through the pipeline: Gitit. This gem is a solid choice for those who are into open-source, wiki-style documentation systems. Gitit is all about simplicity and power wrapped in a neat package, and it's got some unique twists that you won't find just anywhere. First off, Gitit is crafted in Haskell, which might make some folks a bit skeptical. But trust me, it's wild in the best way. Haskell brings a level of reliability and performance that just feels slick. Gitit uses Happstack for its web server duties and pandoc for processing markup. It doesn't just stop at a basic web interface – you can actually dig into the VCS's command-line tools or stick to the web interface for your edits. Flexibility, right? What's really gob-smacking is how it handles different markup languages. By default, it's rocking pandoc's beefed-up version of markdown. But if you're fluent in reStructuredText, LaTeX, HTML, DocBook, or Emacs Org-mode, Gitit has got you covered there too. And if TeX math or highlighted source code makes your heart flutter, you'll be thrilled to know it's all part of the package. One standout feature has to be its support for plugins. You can dynamically load Haskell-written page transformations. It's got categories, Atom feeds, and caching for those busy days when speed is a priority. Plus, if you’re building something larger with Happstack, the "Network.Gitit" library lets you integrate Gitit seamlessly. Getting up and running with Gitit is a breeze. Clone the repo, fire up Stack, and you’re practically there. Alternatively, a couple of Cabal commands will do the trick too. Just make sure `git` is in your system path – or `darcs` or `mercurial` if you swing that way. Out of the box, Gitit sets up a local server for you on port 5001. Point your browser to localhost, and boom, you’ve got yourself a functioning wiki. Adjusting the configuration is pretty straightforward. Whether you want to tweak the port, use a custom config file, or even change the TLS settings, it’s all manageable. Editing on Gitit? Piece of cake. Links are intuitive, and you can embed metadata to control format, categories, and titles. If you’re into syntax highlighting, just wrap your code in fenced code blocks, and let Gitit handle the rest. Customization doesn't stop there. You can tweak the look and feel by editing CSS or replacing images without breaking a sweat. Even setting up Gitit to authenticate users via GitHub OAuth is simple and practical. Perfect, right? Overall, Gitit isn’t just a wiki; it's an incredibly flexible and customizable platform that fits into a wide array of workflows. Whether you're managing documentation, a user-generated content platform, or something entirely innovative, Gitit gives you the freedom to build it your way. So, why wait? Head over to [Gitit's GitHub page](https://github.com/jgm/gitit) and give it a spin. Happy coding!

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