Web-based music player for the cloud :cloud: :notes: Play music from YouTube, Dropbox, etc.



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The days of shuffling through different apps and platforms to manage your music collection might just be over. CloudTunes, an open-source, web-based music player, promises an all-in-one solution for music lovers, combining your scattered tunes into one easy-to-use interface. Imagine a platform that can play tracks from YouTube, stream your stored songs from Dropbox, and recommend personalized tracks via Last.fm all in one tidy package. It's sorta like Spotify, but for the files you already have and the infinite library of YouTube. Birthed from the passion project of @jkbrzt, CloudTunes takes the hassle out of accessing and discovering your cloud-stored music. Initially launched as an experimental project to tinker with some fresh tech stacks, it morphed into a powerful tool that could revolutionize the way users interact with their music. Despite being labeled as "alpha quality," this project packs a serious punch. Starting under the hood, CloudTunes is built on a two-component architecture: the server and client. The server is powered by Python and Tornado, with worker processes managed by Celery and data stored in MongoDB and Redis. The client side? A slick single-page app written in CoffeeScript and Sass, leveraging Backbone.js, Handlebars, and more. The two communicate seamlessly through JSON REST API and WebSocket connections. Let’s talk features. First up, discographies and entire albums from YouTube. CloudTunes indexes them quickly so you can stream straight away. Got a Dropbox loaded with music? No problem. CloudTunes provides fast indexing and real-time updates to make sure your tunes are ready to play on any device. Organize your collection with ease by creating playlists, mixing tracks from Dropbox and YouTube into one unified list. This isn’t just another static player—playlists are dynamic, letting you drag and drop tracks and albums effortlessly. But that’s not all. Integration with Last.fm means CloudTunes can scrobble your plays and serve up personalized recommendations tailored just for you. It's like having a DJ who knows your vibe all too well. And for those who can't live without a little flair, CloudTunes has notifications, settings, and other miscellaneous goodies like keyboard shortcuts and drag-and-drop functionally. Installation might sound daunting, but it's pretty straightforward whether you’re down with Docker or not. Clone the repository, tweak a few settings, and you’re mostly there. With Docker, you get an added layer of isolation for a cleaner setup. Build your Docker image, run it, and you’re good to go. This approach ensures that updating or restarting the app is a breeze. Plus, all your data is safely stored until you decide to wipe the slate clean. For those who wanna dive in deeper, you can explore the README files in the cloudtunes-server and cloudtunes-webapp directories for more granular setup instructions. This project operates under the BSD license, allowing plenty of room for customization and redistribution. Ready to join the CloudTunes wave? Head over to their GitHub page, clone that repo, and start rocking out to your cloud-based collection like never before. Catch up with Jakub Roztočil on Twitter or GitHub if you have questions or wanna contribute. Trust us, your musical life is about to get a lot more harmonious.

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