Espial is an open-source, web-based bookmarking server.



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Yo, check it out! There's this dope new project called Espial that's making waves in the open-source community. It's like your own personal bookmark vault, but way cooler than those dusty old browser bookmarks you've been hoarding. Espial is the brainchild of some seriously smart devs who wanted to create a web-based bookmarking server that's open-source and ready for you to customize. It's like having your own little piece of the internet to organize all those cat videos and tech articles you swear you'll read someday. Now, don't get it twisted - this ain't your grandma's bookmarking tool. Espial is packing some serious heat under the hood. It's built to handle multiple accounts, but it's really designed for those DIY types who want to self-host their own bookmark paradise. The whole shebang runs on a sqlite3 database, which means it's a breeze to set up and keep running smooth. For all you logged-in users out there, adding bookmarks is easier than falling off a log. Just hit up the Settings page and grab that sweet, sweet bookmarklet. And for all you Android fanatics, there's even a dedicated app that lets you share bookmarks faster than you can say "swipe right". But wait, there's more! Espial isn't just about hoarding links - it's about making your bookmarking experience as slick as possible. The interface is clean, the search is lightning fast, and you can tag your bookmarks six ways from Sunday to keep everything organized. If you're itching to take Espial for a test drive, they've got a demo server up and running. Just mosey on over to and log in with the username "demo" and password "demo". It's like trying on a new pair of digital shoes - see if they fit your bookmarking style. For all you tech-savvy folks who want to get under the hood, Espial is built with Haskell and comes with detailed instructions for setting up your own instance. Whether you're rolling with Docker or building from source, they've got you covered with step-by-step guides that'll have you up and running faster than you can say "git clone". So, if you're tired of losing your favorite links in the black hole of your browser history, give Espial a whirl. It's the bookmarking solution you never knew you needed, but once you try it, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. Happy bookmarking, y'all!

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