Writing is a lightweight distraction-free text editor, in the browser (Markdown and LaTeX supported).



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Are you tired of juggling between several text editors that promise the world but deliver a clunky, distracted experience? Let me introduce you to "Writing," the ultra-lightweight, distraction-free text editor that runs right in your browser. This gem of a project by Joseph Ernest is the epitome of simplicity meeting functionality, and it's open-source to boot. First off, let's talk about ease of use. Good news: there's no gnarly installation process here. Just open `index.html`, and you're good to go. It's so straightforward that even your grandma could navigate it. No server code required. Talk about keeping it simple, right? Now, onto the real meat and potatoes—Usage. "Writing" offers a handful of nifty keyboard shortcuts that make it a breeze to toggle between display modes (CTRL + D), print or export your work as a PDF (CTRL + P), and save your source code as a .MD file (CTRL + S). Plus, if you're ever in a pinch, you can simply hit CTRL + SHIFT + H or click the `?` icon on the bottom left to pull up a quick help menu. It's like having a cheat sheet right in your back pocket. So why choose "Writing" over other Markdown editors like StackEdit? It's all about what you don’t see—distractions. Many online editors either don't support LaTeX/MathJax for math formulas or are annoyingly slow, with delays and flickering whenever you type something new. "Writing" kicks those issues to the curb by offering fast rendering with no delays or flickering. Plus, it's completely minimalist, giving you just the tools you need and nothing else. That means you can write, preview, save, and print without navigating through a maze of unnecessary features. One unique aspect that sets "Writing" apart is its LPWP (Landing Page=Working Page) design philosophy. The first page you land on is where the magic happens—no annoying welcome screens or login prompts, just pure, unadulterated writing. Developed and maintained by Joseph Ernest, who has a suite of other remarkable projects like BigPicture and SamplerBox, "Writing" is not just a text editor; it's a labor of love. Supported by contributions from a community of developers, the project is currently backed by CodeSigningStore.com, which provides a DigiCert Code Signing Certificate. For those who love digging into the code, "Writing" includes some finely-tuned dependencies like Pagedown and MathJax, which have been tweaked to ensure seamless integration and performance. In summary, if you’re on the hunt for an elegant, distraction-free text editor that respects your need for a clutter-free workspace, "Writing" is a top-tier choice. Plus, being open-source, it’s an evolving tool that continually benefits from community contributions and expert oversight. Give it a whirl and experience the zen of minimalist text editing right in your browser.

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