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Imagine you've just discovered a wicked cool tool to zap those mundane diagram-creation tasks right outta your workflow. Say hello to ASCIIFlow, a nifty, open-source, web-based app that lets you concoct ASCII diagrams faster than you can microwave a bag of popcorn. ASCIIFlow's got your back whether you're diagramming network configurations, charting out processes, or just doodling some text-based graphics for fun. The magic happens all in your browser, meaning there’s no cumbersome software to download. Just hit up, and you’re all set to start brewing up your next masterpiece. Now, let’s dive deeper. ASCIIFlow was crafted to be a breeze to contribute to, thanks to its brainy use of Bazel—a beast of a build system. Getting started is easy peasy with Bazelisk, an adaptable tool that ensures you’re always running the right version of Bazel. Once you've got your setup rolling (a super easy npm or yarn global install away), you’ll be flexing your pixels in no time. For those tinkering minds amongst us, ASCIIFlow's got a sweet development side too. You can fire up the app locally with a quick command and, if you’re the type who loves seeing their tweaks in real-time, you’ll definitely wanna team up with ibazel for automatic rebudding and reloading. Heck, even if you skip the live reloading, running the server’s still smoother than butter. So, don’t just sit there gaping. GitHub-ead over to their repository at and start contributing. ASCIIFlow isn’t just any project. It’s your new playground for ASCII-borne creativity, bundled with community spirit and open-source goodness. Get in there and make something awesome, one character at a time!

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