Minimal deluge WebUI



Barrage image

Alright, folks, gather 'round! Let's dive into the newest kid on the block in the torrent world - Barrage. This nifty little project is turning heads and for good reason. It's like the cool cousin of Deluge that showed up at the family barbecue with a fresh new look and some fancy tricks up its sleeve. Barrage is a minimal Deluge WebUI that's got full mobile support. Yeah, you heard that right - it's bringing the power of Deluge right to your pocket. No more being chained to your desktop to manage your downloads. With Barrage, you can keep tabs on your torrents while you're out and about, grabbing a coffee or stuck in traffic. So, what's the big deal about Barrage? Well, let's break it down. First off, it's got a responsive mobile-first design. That means it looks slick on your phone, tablet, or whatever gadget you're rocking. Adding torrents is a breeze - just drop in a URL or magnet link, and you're off to the races. But wait, there's more! Barrage lets you sort and filter your torrents, so you can find exactly what you're looking for without scrolling through a mile-long list. Need to put the brakes on your internet usage? No sweat - you can set global upload and download speed limits right from the interface. For the control freaks out there (no judgment, we've all been there), Barrage lets you change file priorities and tweak torrent options to your heart's content. It's like having a full-blown command center for your downloads, right at your fingertips. Now, let's talk deployment. If you're into Docker (and who isn't these days?), you can get Barrage up and running faster than you can say "download complete". Just a few environment variables, and you're good to go. And for the cloud enthusiasts, there's even a one-click deploy option for Vercel. How's that for convenience? But here's the kicker - Barrage isn't just about functionality. The developers have put some serious thought into the user experience. The interface is clean, intuitive, and dare we say, pretty easy on the eyes. It's got all the features you need without the clutter you don't. In a nutshell, Barrage is bringing sexy back to torrent management. It's like they took everything we love about Deluge, gave it a makeover, and made it mobile-friendly. Whether you're a casual downloader or a torrent power user, Barrage has got something for everyone. So, if you're tired of your old, clunky torrent interface and want something that's more 2024 than 2004, give Barrage a spin. It might just be the upgrade your downloading life has been waiting for. And hey, big shoutout to @scttcper for the Deluge API wrapper that made this possible. Teamwork makes the dream work, right? There you have it, folks - Barrage in all its glory. It's minimal, it's mobile, and it's mighty impressive. Happy torrenting, and may your downloads be ever swift and your seedboxes always full!

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