Self-hostable, privacy-focused website analytics.



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Hey there, folks! Let's dive into the world of Medama, a nifty little project that's making waves in the homelab scene. This bad boy is all about giving you the lowdown on your website traffic without compromising on privacy. It's like having your cake and eating it too! Medama Analytics is the brainchild of some seriously smart cookies who wanted to create a self-hostable, cookie-free way to track website analytics. Now, you might be thinking, "Wait a minute, isn't that like trying to have a bonfire without the smoke?" But these folks have pulled it off, and boy, have they done it in style! The project's README is chock-full of goodies that'll make any tech enthusiast's heart skip a beat. First off, they've got this super lightweight tracker that's smaller than your grandma's recipe card - we're talking less than 1KB here, folks! It's so tiny, you could probably fit it on a Post-it note if you wrote really small. But don't let its size fool you. This little tracker packs a punch, offering real-time analytics that'll give you the 411 on your website's performance faster than you can say "data privacy." And speaking of privacy, Medama is all about keeping things on the down-low. No cookies, no IP addresses, no funny business. It's so privacy-focused, it could probably keep secrets better than your best friend after a few drinks. One of the coolest things about Medama is how easy it is to integrate. They've got this OpenAPI-based server that's smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy. You can plug it into your personal or professional dashboards quicker than you can say "API integration." Now, let's talk about self-hosting. Medama comes as a single binary that's easier to set up than a TV tray. You don't need a supercomputer to run this bad boy - it'll happily chug along on a VM with just 256MB of memory. That's less RAM than your smartphone uses to open Instagram! The folks behind Medama have really thought of everything. They've made sure it's compliant with all those alphabet soup regulations like GDPR and PECR, so you can rest easy knowing you're not accidentally breaking any laws while you're checking out your site stats. And if you're the type who likes to kick the tires before you buy, they've even got a demo set up. It's like test-driving a car, but for website analytics. How cool is that? In a world where everyone's trying to track your every move online, Medama is like a breath of fresh air. It's giving power back to the people - or at least to the people who run websites and want to know how many other people are visiting them. So, if you're looking to up your homelab game and get some sweet, sweet analytics without feeling like you're selling your soul to the data devil, Medama might just be your new best friend. It's open-source, it's privacy-focused, and it's cooler than the other side of the pillow. What's not to love?

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