The first developer-oriented translation tool. True asynchronous flow between translators and your team.



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If you're into developer tools, especially when it comes to managing translations, then the "Accent" project might just be your new best friend. This open-source tool is all about making the back-and-forth between translators and developers as smooth as butter, and it’s got some pretty nifty features to boot. Accent is touted as *the* first developer-oriented translation tool, designed for an asynchronous flow so that translators and your team can work together without stepping on each other's toes. It's the kind of thing that makes you wonder how you ever managed without it. Let's dive into what makes Accent stand out: 1. **History**: Ever wondered who made what change and when? Accent’s got full history control and actions rollback. So, you'll always have a clear trail of what’s been tweaked. 2. **UI**: The interface is built to be simple but mighty, letting both developers and translators be productive without fuss. 3. **CLI**: For those who love the command line, Accent’s CLI tool makes adding it to your workflow a breeze. 4. **Collaboration**: It centralizes discussions around translations, making it a go-to hub for your team's translation needs. 5. **GraphQL**: The API that powers the UI is not only open but also documented. This makes it super easy to build plugins or other tools around Accent. Getting things up and running is as straightforward as it gets. Accent uses a Docker image for easy deployment, so you can get an instance going with just a PostgreSQL database and a couple of environment variables. Here’s the lowdown: 1. Create a `.env` file with your database URL: ``` DATABASE_URL=postgresql:// DUMMY_LOGIN_ENABLED=1 ``` 2. Run the Docker image, and boom, you've got a translation tool up and running on port 4000. For those who love tinkering under the hood, Accent’s comprehensive setup instructions cover everything from dependencies to environment variables. It even supports various login providers via Ueberauth like GitHub, GitLab, Google, and more. Speaking of contributions, the project encourages you to join the action. Before submitting a pull request, it’s a good idea to open an issue first. Their CI setup ensures that your contributions hold water before they get merged. Accent also makes deployment painless, especially on Heroku with its Heroku-compatible `app.json` file. You can get the application deployed, with Force SSL and database SSL options, in just a few CLI commands. And don’t worry about testing. The project comes with a solid test suite, and running the tests is as simple as executing a few commands. Created by Mirego, a team that clearly loves what they do, Accent is licensed under the New BSD license, giving you the freedom to use, modify, and distribute it. So, whether you’re looking to streamline your translation management or contribute to some cutting-edge open-source software, Accent is worth checking out. It's the sort of tool that just might make your workflow a whole lot easier and a whole lot more fun.

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